Opening for activities

Thursday 30.04, the new guidelines for events was presented. These guidelines can be found here. Because of this, as well as new guidelines from the different sports federations, the Main Board has begun to look at the possibility of gradually opening up the activity in NTNUI.

Groups have been notified that if they want to start their activity again, this must be done with the approval of the Main Board. Here, an individual assessment will be carried out for each group, and the groups are advised to contact their federations and the municipality doctor for consultation.

All activity resumed should be voluntary for NTNUI members, and no one should feel pressured to attend training. All trainings will have a person with the main responsibility, disinfectants, limited attendance and 1 meter distance. In addition, groups are encouraged to take into account other issues that may arise during the reopening of the activity. All members of NTNUI groups are entitled to information on how the group complies with the guidelines for infection control.

We wish to remind our members that society is still part of a national fight against spread of Covid.-19 and NTNUI regards violations of the guidelines as very serious. As Bent Høie said so nicely:

We must open up gradually. We have to do it controlled. And we have to do it together.

The entire NTNUI stands together during this period, and we are happy that activity can finally be opened up again!

Sit training compensation

Today, Sit presented the possibilities for compensation in consultation with the Welfare Parliament and NTNUI. Read more about the options here.

We are in an unusual and difficult situation, and both our members and groups are aware of this. But Sit training is also in a situation where it can be difficult to get back after this period is over.

We, like most NTNUI members, want Sit to be able to maintain the good training offer in the fall as well. Financial surplus is not Sits objective, and everything goes back to the Students. On their website you can read more about the compensation options. NTNUI membership fees will not be compensated as NTNUI is subject to NIF regulations (Norwegian Sport Federation), and the focus will be on supporting groups that suffer loss of the situation.

We hope everyone has is well and that exercise, activity and sports enjoyment are maintained during these times!


Foto: Roland Richter/NTNUI Blits

Who are we?

NTNUI Paraidrett (parasports) is a selection under NTNUI which focus on including disabled people and the rest of NTNUI in the parasports environment in Trondheim. We strive to be a low kew source of knowledge that can help with recruitment and information dissemination within para sports, but also integrate para sport in the student sport!

Parasport is sports for people with a disability. Which is “para”lel given to sports for disabled athletes, with customized equipment or rules to make sports fun and accessible to everyone. It is not the case that parasports are only for those with disabilities! Everyone without disabilities can also be included and there are several options to achieve this. NTNUI Paraidrett tries showing the opportunities for participating for everyone, for example, arranging “goal ball” during the “Studentlekene” in Trondheim and as a weekly free exercise program.

What do we do?

NTNUI Paraidrett and the main board, works on three main areas:

1. Information and skills development within NTNUI

NTNUI Paraidrett will be a source of information and knowledge on how to solve various challenges. How do I adapt a sport for people with disabilities, what kind of parasports do we actually have in Trondheim, where do we search for economical support for para sports, who should I contact if I want to participate or help?

2. Free rental of para equipment
In collaboration with NTNUI Bumerang, NTNUI Paraidrett lends out brand new para equipment for free. The equipment consists of a tandem bike with a motor, a hand bike, two sledges (one sitting and one kneeling) and two athletic wheelchairs for running tracks. These are located at Moholt and it is desirable that board members also contribute in NTNUI Bumerang.

3. Bank of volunteer to maintain the offers in Trondheim
There is several existing para offers available in the local sports clubs in the city, and many of these need more volunteers to keep the wheels running. It can be anything from very small practical tasks like keeping order, developing equipment and helping the athletes – or to be a coach or a team leader. Or simply to play/participate, even if you do not have a disability because especially the sports teams are struggling to recruit enough para athletes! We are therefore in the process of promoting a volunteer bank where you can announce your interest and “be handed out” where needed – whether in wheelchair rugby or as a training friend at SIT.

Why should I apply and who are we looking for?

Everyone who wants is warmly welcomed. There is no requirement for prior knowledge or experience with parasports, but rather a need for dedication and a curious approach to new learning! Parasports is a small but large field with huge possibilities. With a focus on the enjoyment of movement and activity, we cover many areas with opportunities for both conservation and development – both together and individually. The board works closely together, so here you get to know nice people and are included in the loving NTNUI family!

Application is not binding and opens only for a pleasant conversation. Feel free to contact us with questions – you can find us on facebook (@NTNUI Paraidrett), instagram (@ntnuiparaidrett) or e-mail:

We hope to hear from especially you!

Foto: NTNUI Blits/ Nils Dittrich

Training facilities closed

On Thursday 12th of March, after dialog with Sit it was decided to close all indoor training facilities at 12:00. All activity within Sit’s facilities are cancelled until the facilities reopen.

Later on Thursday the Norwegian Directorate of Health decided to ban all organised sports events and activities. Therefore no groups or members can conduct organized training until new information is given.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health: Measures to limit the transmission of the coronavirus
Norwegian Institute of Public Health: General advice to the public
NTNU: Coronavirus – policies and procedures

We have moved out!

Our offices at Idrettsbygget are finally empty. This has turned out to be a much greater task than it might seem. Two containers have been filled with garbage and all of our storage spaces are now empty. We are now handing over the keys to the building to Skanska, who will take care of the renovation. We are moving in with Sit Idrett at Nardoveien 23, where also the new training facilities will be located. Thanks to all of the groups having helped moving out! We couldn’t have done this without you. And a big thanks to vice president Eirik Palm Hunnestad! He has planned this process and done the tough job as coordinator for the project this fall.

Next fall, we are moving back into new offices at Idrettsbygget. We will then have a total of four meeting rooms at our disposal. The office can to a much greater degree be used by all the groups for meetings. We must now hope the process follows the plan and that we have a splendid new heart for our association up and running around October.

Registration for Student Games 2019 is now open!

From 20th to 24th of February we will host the NTNUI 20th anniversary for the Student Games!
We invite students from all over the country and Trondheim city to the student festival, which is held by NTNUI for the 7th time, bringing together the 15th Student Games at the national level!
Are you curious about what the student games are? Check out our website!
Are you fond of sporting and social experiences?
Want to attend a national sports event with team players or training buddies?

If so, we only have one thing to say:

Join the game!

The world’s first university long distance pro ski team!

NTNUI Langrenn​ strengthens its cooperation with the engineering consultancy Sweco AS and presents team NTNUI Sweco for the upcoming season!

“This is the first team in the Visma Ski Classics that consists of students only! We are incredibly proud to give this opportunity to students that want to combine their studies and skiing at this high level” – chair of NTNUI langrenn Jørund Vala.

There are today nine athletes in the roster, including: Didrik Fjeld Elset, Erlend Nydal,Matias Noren, Olav Vestøl, Jakob Mestvedthagen, Jakob Meløy, Ole Sollien Hulbak, Anna Jensen og Camilla Lie. Besides being full-time students, these athletes have several impressive results, topped by Erlend Nydal’s third place finish in the Norwegian relay ski championships.

This Tuesday, Sweco Norway’s CEO Grete Aspelund and Managing director Peter Hagen signed the contract on behalf of the team’s main sponsor.

“With this team, we strengthen the cooperation between NTNUI Langrenn and the student at the research and educational institution NTNU” Aspelund says.

“Our ambition is to show that it is possible to compare studies and professional sports. Our green race suits are definitely going to be noticed this winter and we will do our best to collect points for the team! However, if this should turn out not to be the reality for all of us, we do at least have a good education when our skiing careers one day come to an end” Team Manager Ole Sollien Hulbak says.

Free lending of paraidrette equipment!

Finally!  NTNUI Paraidrett has, in cooperation with  NTNUI-Bumerang – Gratis utlån av idrettsutstyr, opened for FREE lending of paraidrette equipment! Take the tour if you want to take a look at the offer, test equipment or a sport. The offer is for everyone and there are no requirements for either being a student or having NTNUI membership. The joy of movement is for everyone!

NTNUI Paraidrett can offer:

– Flash handbike 27 provides disc brake

– Huka Copilot 2-wheel tandem 24 “wheels with motor and freewheel (tandem bike)

– Racing chairs (Athletics)

– Bardum sit-ski without back w / skis, spikes,

– Praschberger sit-ski sb 38 cm w / ski spikes

A big thanks to Bardum AS for helping us find and set up the best equipment!

Booking of equipment is via the website:

The pickup and delivery of equipment takes place in building 6 at Moholt Studentby from 07:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Feel free to contact for questions, tips or comments!

Especially; spread the word!