Travel letter from NTNUI Volleyball

We have received a travel letter from NTNUI Volleyball that went to Hitra 31 August – 2 September. 

The try outs are finished, practices have started and the first real happening of the year is done: Our training camp at Hitra! About 150 of the club’s members was ready and eager to go, and for a good part of the players this weekend would be their first real meeting with NTNUI Volleyball. Just as every year before the busses from Trondheim were delayed out of the city – one more than the next – but one way or another we all made it to Hitra (more or less) ready for the first practice of the weekend. There was non-stop life in the Hitrahall all weekend long, and you shouldn’t be surprised if the walls are still vibrating after every NTNUI Volleyball player who slammed into them to save a ball, or if the ceiling has been raised a couple of centimetres in the aftermath of us. All the teams had at least four practices throughout the weekend and this year like any year before I think it is safe to say that we all felt it – and can still feel it in all of our body’s limbs over half a week later. Not only did we play volleyball at Hitra, we also had plenty of time in the hall to sneak peek at the practices of the other teams in the club, we got plenty of time to play cards and board games, and plenty of time to lie on our mattresses and gab with our teammates. Perhaps not everyone had all the time in the world to do it all, but the trip at least opened up for the possibility for everyone to spend their free time as they pleased. And volunteer work! Of course, we also had time for some volunteer work. What is an NTNU Volleyballevent without a few hours of (mandatory) voluntary work? Together with our eminent leader Ole Kristian the D2A team was in charge of this year’s training camp and they worked around the clock to make sure rest of the club had what we needed of food, toilet paper, and sufficient information about how to do our voluntary work in the kitchen. Kudos to D2A and Ole Kristian for that, and kudos to the rest of the club members who all contributed! Friday night D2A also arranged a volleyballquiz in the cafeteria and on Saturday evening we all gathered in the gym for the famous “stolleken”. An exciting hour of intimate seating arrangements around the room learning to know each other better. Sunday and departure back to Trondheim came too soon and after the last training session, a quick shower, photo shoot for some, and final cleaning for all, we were back on the buses again and on our way back to our mundane lives in Trondheim. Luckily, the season has just barely began and we have a whole year of volleyball related joy to look forward to! The Dragvollhall is filled with volleyball-happy (it’s a word) people every afternoon now and except for a little breath-in-the-ground-frihelg this weekend, there is something happening for at least one of our teams practically every weekend this fall – and we just cannot wait! The first event this fall is the Midtnordisk tournament in Dragvollhallen 14. 15. September, including tbe long-awaited(?) season opening party on Saturday night. Having said this, I wish all of the NTNU’s volleyball members – and eager followers – lots of good luck in the season to come! This will must certainly be an unforgettable season for all of us!