Text: Emilie Faarup Storvik
Photo: Roland Richter, Jonas Schwarzwaelder & Leonie Richarz/NTNUI

Finally, the application period for NTNUI Admin is underway! Here you can get an overview of which comitees have admissions this semester.
NTNUI Admin is the collective term for the administrative committees in NTNUI. NTNUI is proud to be Norway’s largest sports club, as well as the fact that we are only run by volunteers. In order to make the club go around, we are therefore very dependent on having good students on the administrative committees. Through NTNUI Admin, you learn how to run a large organisation, gain new skills in your field of interest and get to participate in a lot of social activities during your studies.
NTNUI Admin has something for everyone, and you are guaranteed to find a selection that matches either your interest or existing skills. NTNUI Admin has room for everyone, and extensive prior knowledge is not required to apply. The most important thing is that you have a desire to contribute and that you want to learn. Read more about the individual selections that have admissions now.

NTNUI Blits is looking for committed volunteers who want to work with communication and promotion of NTNUI. Blits works with everything from social media to videography, and is often booked by the sports in NTNUI to help with photography and promotional material. We manage the social media channels for NTNUI, design logos for groups and create photo walls for events, among other things.
Blits always welcomes new ideas for the promotion and marketing of NTNUI, and is happy to start new projects. Here you get the opportunity to learn project management, strategic marketing, in addition to making close contact with the groups and participating free of charge in events as a photographer or journalist.

NTNUI Event is NTNUI’s event committee. The goal is to create the best moments during the study period by hosting great events for the entire club. The events vary in size and scope, and there are, among other things, a Christmas party for over 300 people, “Gudenes Natteliv” (the nightlife of the Gods) where NTNUI takes over Studentersamfundet, waffle evenings, quizzes and much more! Event is looking for you who are creative, fond of organisation, logistics and execution of events.
At Event, you gain leadership experience, responsibility for project management and ownership of events. You get the opportunity to work together with a highly competent team and have the opportunity to build a good network with both nightlife and event agencies in Trondheim. In addition, you are guaranteed a place at all events that Event is responsible for and therefore have a good opportunity to get a very social and exciting position. Within Event, you can also specialize in the marketing of events or financial management if you want more responsibility in these areas.
NTNUI Paraidrett

NTNUI Paraidrett’s focus is to facilitate so that everyone, regardless of functional ability, can participate in the sports or activities they want at NTNUI. Parasports helps the sports at NTNUI to organize activities in the best possible way for both athletes and coaches. There are no separate para teams at NTNUI, but the committee instead works to ensure that the sports at NTNUI have a tailored offer so that as many as possible can be included.
NTNUI Paraidrett helps with finding companions for sports, testing and acquiring equipment that can be borrowed or bought, as well as providing advice and information where needed. As a member of Paraidrett, you learn more about the organization of sports, consult the sports in NTNUI and contribute strongly to a diverse offer for Norway’s largest sports club. NTNUI Paraidrett works closely with the Parasports Center in Trøndelag and you will have the opportunity to participate in courses and increase your competence in sports, organization and facilitation.
NTNUI Sprint

Sprint is the IT committee of NTNUI, and mainly works to create good IT solutions for Norway’s largest sports team. It can be anything from developing our membership system to helping the groups with websites. In NTNUI Sprint, you will get hands-on experience in developing large computer systems that are used by NTNUI’s members. Sprint offers a good professional and social environment where you can test relevant technology outside of your studies.
NTNUI Sprint is suitable for you who want to gain management experience within IT projects, test out solutions from your own studies or learn about the IT solutions for Norway’s largest sports team. You will have the opportunity to put project manager or developer on your CV after being part of the Sprint, in addition to getting to know a group who are eager to learn from each other and build good solutions.
NTNUI Økonomi

NTNUI Economy is a project-based committee that works with audits of accounts and budgeting. In addition, Økonomi has its own projects that focus on investment, charity and much more! Even if the main tasks are on economics, there is no requirement that you must have dealt with economics previously, as Economics is a selection for everyone and where you will receive sufficient training. It is also a social position where Finance is involved in everything that happens with admin, such as joint trips to the Studenterhytta, the club house or in Trondheim.
Economics is the job for you who want to improve your skills in finance, accounting, auditing and investment. NTNUI is Norway’s largest sports club, and you will therefore gain a good insight into how to run such a large club where over 60 subgroups must submit both accounts and budgets for approval. NTNUI also owns several properties in Trøndelag through Studenterhytta and Koiene, and assets that require insurance. There are also larger projects that require investment plans and analyses, which you have the opportunity to do.