Trondheim, 15th of March 2019
Edvard Andersen (27) started his first period as President of the larges sports team i Norway, NTNUI. Edvard Andersen takes over from former President Eirik Søreide Hansen (22) after one period. Edvard wants to continue the project of bringing all NTNUI together, “Ett NTNUI” and work to strengthen the values in the sports team.
– NTNUI is an amazing club, with great values that creates a glue in the organisation, explains Andersen and continues.
– Everybody in the new Main Board have a great initiative now and we are a good team who are ready to meet new challenges together. We will work together to create the best experiences during your time at the university, and focus on unity, diversity and sports joy.
Andersen is not the only new person in the Main board. Together with him is Vilde Teksum (22) as Vice President. Teksum are just finished in her job as Vice President in the Norwegian Student Games Trondheim 2019
– I’m looking forward to work and develop NTNUI, and to create joy and great memmories from all the students time at NTNU, Tekstum explains and continues.
– I’m looking forward to learn more about NTNUI and be a part of an amazing board with a common goal
Last years President Eirik Søreide Hansen steps down to become head of the political work in the organisation. He will work to enable “One NTNUI” and the project Aktiv Campus
Other positions
Pauline Sjøvold (23) are head of economy, and Manith Randula Attanapola (21) are the treasurer in the sports team. Together with Eirik Søreide Hansen, Inger Viken (27) has continued for another period, this time she is responsible for the information work in the organisation.
Ida Tomine Glomsaker (22) takes the role as event manager and Ingrid Hasselgård Bøe (23) is the new Student Games contact. Stine Røkeness (27) is head of stock and Oskar Gårdsrud Paulsrud are Chief of Communications.
NTNUI is the largest sports team in Norway. The team was founded in 1910 and have continued with student sports in over 100 years. The sports team has over 51 different sports groups. NTNUI wishes to spread diversity, unity and sports joy throughout all the students in Trondheim. Together NTNUI creates the best moments during your time as a student.
We have about 12 000 members and offices at Nardo in Trondheim. Read more about NTNUI at www.ntnui.no

Do you have any questions or wish to talk to Edvard Andersen. Contact chief of communications Oskar Gårdsrud Paulsrud via e-mail oskar.paulsrud@ntnui.no or phone +47 902 66 958.