Welcome to the new Main Board of NTNUI 2024/25

Text: Nora Hveding-Kullerud & Pernille S. Osmundsen
Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Our new board came into place on March 16 after an efficient general assembly. In this exclusive interview, we get to know the team that will steer the ship of NTNUI and guide us through another year of Hu and Hei!”

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Leader: Eirik Skagestad Størdal

Age: 25 years
Study: Product Development and Production
Group: A not very active member in the Tinde group, previously involved in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Other positions: This is actually my first proper position in NTNUI! Besides the main board, I also serve as the “Meeting and Representation Manager” in Moment, which is the political committee of NTNUI.

As the leader, Eirik is responsible for organizing the work within the Main Board and ensuring that they work towards their goals. He also represents NTNUI externally and participates in meetings with volunteer groups and other stakeholders NTNUI collaborates with.

Eirik enjoys having a lot of responsibility and working together with others towards common goals. He describes NTNUI as one of the best things about being a student in Trondheim and therefore felt compelled to seize the opportunity to become a leader. Eirik believes the position will be both educational and demanding, and he is particularly looking forward to working on major projects such as the upgrade of Dødens Dal and the new sports building.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
I think this year’s group gathering was a lot of fun, so that has to be it.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Deputy Leader: Ronja Pavall

Age: 21 years
Study: Psychology (Bachelor)
Group: Roundnet
Other positions: Deaputy Leader Material, Board Member Moment, aktivCampus (promotion and activity team), and Board Member Blits, Board Member Roundnet.
Former: Leader Blits, Event Manager for Veldedighetshelg (Charity Weekend), Para-sport Board Member.

The role of the Deputy Leader involves assisting both the leader and the rest of the board wherever needed. Ronja is responsible for managing the documents in NTNUI and primarily handles exemption applications, often in consultation with the rest of the Main Board.

Ronja enjoyed her work in the administration, but she wanted to be more involved in the association and contribute even more on an organizational level. Additionally, she believes this experience will be beneficial in her future career. Ronja thinks the position will be fun and educational, but also challenging, which she believes will work out fine in collaboration with “the great team” – the rest of the board. She is most excited about getting to know the rest of the Main Board better and meeting more people from the various groups.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
Having vors with the current and previous Main Board members from Trondheim, Gjøvik, and Ålesund before Gudenes Natteliv this spring was a lot of fun! Or the spontaneous trip to Ålesund with others from the administration to play a football match at the Color Line Stadium against NTNUI Ålesund.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Main Treasurer: Mads Fuglesang Øhra

Age: 20 years
Study: Industrial Economics and Technology Management
Group: Volleyball
Other positions: Finance Committee, Board Memeber Moment, Volleyball team manager
Former: Intro committee

The role of the Main Treasurer involves having control over and responsibility for the association’s funds. Mads follows up with and supports the treasurers of the various groups within the association, as well as managing the central accounting for NTNUI. Additionally, he serves as a sounding board for the Finance Manager.

Mads took on the position because he wants to contribute to the operation of “Norway’s best sports club”, work towards the best possible NTNUI, and get to know all of those who do important work for the association. He believes the time will be educational and hectic, with rewarding and meaningful tasks. He looks forward to long days at the Clubhouse with different people and Group Gatherings.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
Training camp in Røros, and “blåtur” to Athens with the Finance Committee.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Head of Economics: Julie Hansen Gleinsvåg

Age: 21 years
Study: Economics and Administration
Group: Swimming Group
Other positions: Finance Committee, Treasurer Track Committee, and Board Member Blits
Former: activeCampus promotion group, Intro Committee, Finance Manager Veldedighetshelg (Charity Weekend)

As the Head of Economics, Julie is responsible for ensuring a healthy financial operation within the club. She oversees budget allocations, follows up on support schemes, and manages financial collaborations and sponsorship agreements. She supports the treasurers of the groups and ensures, in general, that the groups have the conditions to conduct as much activity as possible with NTNUI’s financial resources.

Julie wanted new challenges and was eager to learn more about how the association operates both externally and internally. She believes the position will be very rewarding both socially and professionally. At times, it may be comprehensive and time-consuming, but she looks forward to challenging herself professionally and getting to know more wonderful and talented people in NTNUI.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
It has to be either the spontaneous trip to Ålesund where we played a football match against NTNUI Ålesund at the Color Line Stadium, or the “blåtur” with the Finance Committee <3

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

External Relations Manager: Mia Olden Larsen

Age: 26 years
Study: Master’s in Exercise Physiology
Other positions: Leader of Moment.
Former: Deputy Leader of NTNUI, Deputy Leader Swimming, and Board Member Swimming.

As the External Relations Manager, Mia is responsible for ensuring NTNUI’s relationships with external stakeholders. She attends external meetings and advocates for NTNUI’s needs and desires.

Mia enjoyed her time as Deputy Leader of the Main Board last year and wanted to delve even deeper into external affairs. During the previous term, she discovered an interest in politics, especially sports politics, and therefore felt that this role “fit extremely well”.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Material Manager: Taran Five

Age: 26 years
Study: Ocean Resources (Master’s in Marine Biology)
Group: Dance (Poledance and Hoop) and Calisthenics
Other positions: Leader Material Committee and Leader of Active Campus.
Former: Material Manager Main Board, Deputy Leader and activity Leader in activeCampus, Deputy Leader Event, and Board Member Veldedighetshelgen (Charity Weekend)

As the Material Manager in the Main Board, Taran is responsible for approving group/committee logos, clothing designs, and merchandise orders. She also oversees Shoppen, NTNUI’s online store, and all inventory and storage space.

Taran enjoyed her role as Material Manager so much last year that she wanted to continue this year as well. She finds it to be an exciting and challenging position where she can indulge her joy for organization and order. With experience in the role, Taran believes that this year she can “enjoy the chaos” in a whole different way and expects the position to be both cozy and hectic. She looks forward to all the little moments they will share at the Clubhouse and to celebrating May 17th together. Perhaps there will even be a Main Board vacation this summer!

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
It must be the Main Board vacation we had last year. We traveled around and visited each other from Molde to Tjøme. It was the best vacation ever. And of course, activeCampus is my little baby, so all the activeWeeks I’ve helped organize are very fond memories too.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

IT Manager: Andreas Flo

Age: 21 years
Study: Computer Science
Group: Fencing
Other positions: Photographer and Deputy Leader Blits.
Former: Intro Committee

Andreas’s task as IT Manager is to maintain order in all IT systems. He collaborates closely with NTNUI Sprint, Sit, and the rest of the Main Board to keep the systems organized and efficient.

Andreas was recommended to join the Intro Committee, and after shadowing the former IT Manager, Ole Marius, it felt natural to take over this role in the new Main Board. He is looking forward to meeting even more fantastic NTNUI members and collaborating with Sprint.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
I’ve experienced a lot of fun with NTNUI, but I especially want to highlight all the exciting assignments I’ve had as a photographer in NTNUI Blits. I’ve had the opportunity to join Topptur and Frikjøring to Vassfjellet, taken pictures of Sailing from a RIB outside Skansen, captured many cool moments of various sports during SL23, and much much more. Additionally, I can’t forget to mention Group Gatherings and Gudenes Natteliv. These events are always incredibly fun!

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

HR and Administration Manager: Emilie Sofie Eilertsen

Age: 21 years
Study: Psychology (Bachelor)
Group: Roundnet
Other positions: Board Member Blits and Board Memeber Roundnet.
Former: activeCampus promotion group and Promotion Leader Veldedighetshelgen (Charity Weekend).

The HR and Administration Manager is responsible for the follow-up of Admin and serves as their liaison between Admin and the Main Board. Her tasks include follow-up and work with the HSK groups and coach responsibilities.

Emilie wanted to join the Main Board because she is interested in working on the operation of NTNUI and wants to facilitate as much activity and good moments as possible. She looks forward to collaborating with all the wonderful people in NTNUI and working together with the rest of the Main Board.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
One of my best memories must be the somewhat spontaneous football match trip to Ålesund and the many fun Admin gatherings and Group Gatherings we’ve had.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
I have many fond memories from my time in NTNUI, but the very best ones are from Gudenes natteliv and Group Gatherings! It’s always nice to meet so many happy NTNUI members at once.

Photo: Andreas Flo/NTNUI Blits (CC BY 4.0)

Facilities Manager: Håkon Håve Smørvik

Age: 26 years
Study: Teacher Education in English
Group: Basketball
Other positions: Board Member Basketball, team leader for NTNUI Geezez, and referee in Basketball.

Håkon has primary responsibility for NTNUI’s facilities, primarily focusing on Dødens Dal and its operations, as well as working on potential future facilities.

Håkon says he has gained a lot from NTNUI, and this position is a way to give a little back. He says it’s pretty cool to be part of leading Norway’s largest sports club and is especially looking forward to the opening of Helgasetr and NTNUI making its mark in this building.

A good memory from the time in NTNUI:
First and foremost, all the people I’ve gotten to know through participating in sports at NTNUI. The best memory I have is from the SL (Sports Week) in autumn 2022 in Bergen after a long break without SL.

Award of honor to NTNUI Orienteering

Text: Pernille Svartveit Osmundsen
Photo: Viggo Jakobsen/Globetrotter event og artist
& Nils Dittritch/NTNUI

NTNUI Orientering was honored as the student sports team of the year when Trøndelag’s sports circle was assembled in early in November 2023.

Eirik Langedal Breivik and Anders Vestøl received the award from the leader of NTNUI Jenny Hunvik
Photo: Viggo Jakobsen/Globetrotter event og artist

For the 14th time, Idretten’s Heiderskveld was organized in November. Here, the best in the Trøndelag sports circle gathered and were honored for their achievements both nationally and internationally. Scholarships, achievement awards and spirit awards were handed out to honor the many people who help create sports engagement and joy in Trøndelag. This time, NTNUI Orienteering was honored with the Student Sports Team of the Year award for the stable and good results in the club. The student club also asserted itself during the prestigious Tiomila last spring, which helped them get the award. NTNUI Orienteering has not won during Tiomila since 1992 when they won the women’s class, and last year they managed to win for the first time in the open class which ran through the night.

Facts about Tiomila (press to expand)
  • Tiomila or the 10mile is a highlight in orienteering and is organized annually in Sweden
  • There is a separate women’s class (5 stages) and youth class (4 stages) which run during the day, while the “Tiomilakavlen” runs overnight and is an open class (although mostly men take part in this)
  • NTNUI Orienteering lined up with 7 teams in the Damkavlen” and 6 teams in the “Tiomilakavlen”, with one of the teams being a purely women’s team
  • In total, there were 85 NTNU students who ran to the best of their ability in the championship
  • NTNUI Orienteering is one of the clubs with the most victories in the women’s relay with 4 golds, last won in 1992
  • This year was the first time NTNUI Orienteering won the “Tiomilakavlen”
  • On the winning team were both Anders Vestøl and Eirik Langedal Breivik who received the honorary award

The gala outfits were on and NTNUI’s leader Jenny Hunvik was on stage to present the award for Student Sports Team of the Year in front of a fully packed cinema hall at Nova Kinosenter. Hunvik says that NTNUI Orienteering has accomplished an incredible feat in 2023 and that it is difficult for those outside the orienteering community to understand how big it actually is to win Tiomila. She further says that being able to award the Student Sports Award in 2023 to Orienteering feels right, as they really deserved that honor and that she felt lucky to have the honor of handing out the award itself during Idretten’s Heiderskveld in November.

Stepping onto the stage to receive the award on behalf of NTNUI Orienteering were Eirik Langedal Breivik and Anders Vestøl, both of whom contributed to NTNUI Orienteering’s victory in the prestigious Tiomila. Vestøl expressed his excitement about receiving the award, emphasizing its significance given that orienteering is not among the largest sports in Norway. “It was a bit more formal than I had expected” he replied when asked about his experience of the evening, and added that it means a lot to be recognized this way. Also Lars Sandstad, leader of NTNUI Orienteering, emphasizes that it is not always easy to be seen when you perform in a sport such as orienteering. Therefore, such recognition for the entire club’s achievements throughout the year is extra nice.

NTNUI Orienteering is run by student volunteers and in November they organized the Nordic Student Championship
Photo: Nils Dittritch/NTNUI

The victory in Tiomila meant a lot to the student club. Vestøl, which has himself participated twice in the championship, says that winning was prestigious and absolutely huge, especially when they have to manage “all by themselves”. The event is a highlight within orientation, where many clubs participating have a lot more money to spare, including funds for coaches, among other things. Nevertheless, the student team, which is driven by volunteerism and has a high turnover of members, managed to win the international competition.

Volunteer of the Month: Karoline Ruud Dahlen

Text: Pernille Svartveit Osmundsen
Photo: Pernille Svartveit Osmundsen, Eirik Halvard Norseth & Leonie Richarz/NTNUI

Photo: Pernille Svartveit Osmundsen/NTNUI

In NTNUI’s column “Volunteer of the Month,” you get to meet some of the dedicated volunteers in NTNUI who contribute invaluable efforts. In October, you will meet the deputy chairperson of Volleyball, Karoline Ruud Dahlen.

Karoline has been the deputy chairperson for the second consecutive year in NTNUI Volleyball, and she is an unparalleled
“Yes person”! She is always there, no matter what it might be, whether as a coach, player, or board member.

She is consistently cheerful in the gym and
always willing to assist other members of the group. She consistently goes above and
beyond what is expected of her and is always ready to lend a hand to those around her.

Kathinka Lund, Leader of Volleyball
Facts about Karoline
  • Age: 24 years old
  • Group: Volleyball
  • Years in NTNUI: 6 years
  • Voluntary position: Two years as deputy chairperson of Volleyball and three seasons as coach
  • Field og study: Graduated bioengineer

We meet a cheerful Karoline, who is a bit surprised by the nomination, but who is she really?
I’m very fond of sports. That’s probably a big reason why I’m still here (in Trondheim). Before I moved here, I had this idea that “I’ll be here for three years, I’ll get my bachelor’s degree, and then I’ll go back home.” But then NTNUI happened, and I ended up staying for at least three more years.

What was the biggest factor that kept you in Trondheim?
NTNUI. It’s an incredibly great club. There’s a strong sense of community, and there’s always something happening. The sports are a lot of fun, and there are so many wonderful people. You make friends across teams and groups, and it’s just a great environment overall.

How did you end up in NTNUI?
I had heard that Trondheim is a great city for students in general. So, I had my sights set on Trondheim for that reason. I also got introduced to volleyball at a folk high school (folkehøyskole). I found out that NTNUI had a very good volleyball team, so I went to the tryouts and made the team.

But why are you so involved?
Volunteering is so much fun. And it took a couple of years before I took on any special roles, it’s also so that I can give somthing back. NTNUI has been essential for my well-being and my daily life as a student in Trondheim. Now, I can contribute to ensuring that others have the same great experience I’ve had.

Christmas Ball 2022
Photo: Eirik Halvard Norseth/NTNUI

How is it to balance your roles with your studies?
It does take a lot of time. You need to be engaged and motivated enough to make everything work. Each day becomes quite packed. But it’s also very rewarding, so it’s definitely worth it. Even though it’s tiring, it also gives you energy.

How is it now that you’re working?
Life becomes quite different. When I was a student and felt that there was a lot going on in terms volunteering, I could put deprioritize my studies for a while. But now, I can’t call my job and say, “Hey, I can’t come to work today because I have NTNUI stuff to do.” So, I have to be more structured in terms of working during the day and NTNUI in the evenings, but it works out somehow.

If you could change one thing about NTNUI, what would it be?
I would have even more sponsors, so it would be even more affordable for members to participate. I think people would really appreciate that.

What’s your relationship with NTNUI’s colours?
The colour combination is quite bold, it is. I knew before I joined NTNUI, I was like, “Why do they wear these colours?”. But you grow to love them over time. It’s something that stands out, and it’s actually kind of fun. When you’re at a game, wearing the windbreaker, and everyone can see it’s NTNUI, it makes you proud.

D1 vs Oslo
Photo: Leonie Richarz/NTNUI

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, I’m still playing volleyball, and hopefully, I’m still active as a volunteer in some club, whether it’s here in Trondheim or somewhere else in Norway. I want to carry these experiences forward.

You have one million you can use for NTNUI – what would you spend it on?
It’s a bit of a short-term plan, but it would be to reduce travel expenses for members. However, we would eventually run out of money. If I could multiply that one million by a lot of digits, we could build a new sports hall. That way, more people would have more training time, better training schedules, and more people could join. But it’s challenging with just one million.

What other sport would you like to try in NTNUI?
I played handball for quite a few years, up until high school, so that could be fun. I’ve always been fascinated by gymnastics, so I think that would also be fun to try.

If you didn’t have roles in NTNUI, where would you prefer to get involved?
Now I’m almost thinking, “What happens outside of NTNUI?”. It might be fun to get involved with the Red Cross and contribute in that way, or perhaps with the People’s Aid and similar organizations.

The coolest thing you’ve worked on in NTNUI?
I find it very enjoyable to contribute to the major events we have. Especially when our top teams are in semifinals and such in the national championships. Creating something substantial around it, and seeing the enthusiasm in the arena during those games, with everyone showing up. In general, social events for the members, where everyone can come together and meet. That’s rewarding.

The board of NTNUI Volleyball
Photo: Eirik Halvard Norseth/NTNUI

Who would you prefer to be stuck in an elevator with?
Taylor Swift, I’m a huge fan. She could have a private concert in the elevator.

Roing’s tights or devil’s hat?
Devil’s hat, I think they’re really cool.

Director of Sit for a day or rector for a day?
Director of Sit, I think. It sounds more fun than being a rector. Manage the hall and all that.

The volunteer of the month is a regular column created by the promo team in collaboration with the photographers in NTNUI Blits. Would you like to nominate someone for the firebrand of the month? Send to blits-promo@ntnui.no