Klubbavisa is out – read it now!

Hu og Hei!

Finally it is here! NTNUI Klubbavisa is out with it’s newest edition – full of exciting stories, hilarious interviews, and countless highlights from 2024. Sit down, read it, do the crosswords – either alone or with someone. Enjoy the articles about our groups, or explore the fun pages at the end of the paper.

From today you can find Klubbavisa at the different campuses across Trondheim.

NTNUI is so much more than just sports. There is excitement, community, and countless opportunities to experience something new. During 2024 we have seen athletes delivering impressive results, as well as volunteers creating fantastic arenas for unity and joy – either through organized sports, joint training sessions, or spontaneous social initiatives. This is what makes NTNUI so special, and what is shown in this edition of Klubbavisa.

Get ready for a large dose of NTNUI spirit – read Klubbavisa here!

Notice of Ordinary General Assembly spring 2023

Today marks exactly one month until the General Assembly of this spring, and the time has come to welcome to the General Assembly of NTNUI. The General Assembly is NTNUI’s highest authority and all members have the right to vote. This is where you can influence the direction you think is the best for the best club in the world – NTNUI.

The Main Board hereby welcomes you to the Ordinary General Assembly 2023.

Photo: NTNUI Blits

Date: Tuesday, March 14th 2023

Time: Registration from 16:30, start 17:00.

Place: R1 at Gløshaugen. Map here.

Meals: Food will be served about halfway through the assembly.

For who: Everyone who is a member of NTNUI can participate. You have to be able to document your membership through our Member System in order to have the right to vote. All groups are obligated to attend, meaning at least one representative have to be present at all times during the meeting.

Got something on your mind? If you have a case for the General Assembly, send an email to hovedstyret@ntnui.no before February 28th. All groups and individuals of NTNUI have the opportunity to present cases at the General Assembly. If you are not sure wether your case is suitable for the General Assembly, please don’t hesitate to contact the Main Board.

Staup: After the General Assembly it is a tradition to travel to the Student Cabin – this is called Staup. There will be organized free transport, but there will also be the possibility to join the traditional run up the hills. There will also be served free food at the Student Cabin. Whether you want to run or not, please sign up here within March 8th if you want to join the Student Cabin after the General Assembly.

Complete agenda: The agenda is found here in the file archive of NTNUI.

Welcome, dear member!