Notice to the Ordinary General Meeting in spring 2024
Today is exactly one month until the spring general assembly and the time has come to welcome you. The General Assembly is NTNUI’s highest authority and all members have the right to vote. This is where you can influence the direction you think is best for the world’s best club – NTNUI.
The executive board hereby convenes an ordinary general aasembly in the spring of 2024.
Time: Admission from 10:00, start 11:00. Recommend setting aside the whole day.
Location: A1 at the NTNU Business School (Adolf Øien building). Map here.
Catering: Food will be served during the general meeting.
For whom: The general meeting is for all members of NTNUI. If you have paid NTNUI membership and have valid membership in the membership system, you have the right to vote at the general meeting. All groups in NTNUI have the right to meet, which means that all groups must present at least one representative.
Something you want to say? Do you have matters you would like to bring up to the general assembly? Send it to hovedstyret@ntnui.no by March 2.
Staup: After the general meeting, it is a tradition to go up to the Studenterhytta – also called Staup. Free transport will be organised, but it is also possible to take part in the traditional race up to the Hut. Free food is also served there. Signing up for Staup is here. The deadline for registration is 10 March.
Case papers: The case papers are sent by email to all shop stewards and posted on our website ntnui.no before 9 March.
Welcome, great member!