NTNU places great importance on its students’ well being. Healthy and sporty students not only create an entertaining student environment, but they also perform better academically. Because of this, NTNU makes sure Trondheim has Norway’s best student sports society.

In Sit we have a competent team supporting our main board and our own functions. Sit’s role as a facilitator is central in making NTNUI work on a voluntary basis.

The Student Welfare Association strongly supports our open practises. A low threshold for exercise and physical activity is essential for the students’ welfare.


Eureka Kiropraktikk
As a NTNUI Member you get strongly cut prices at the clinic.
First time consultation: 530 kr
Follow up consultation: 530 kr
First time consultation: 495 kr
Follow up consultation: 495 kr

AllWays Car rentals
We get discount at AllWays Car rentals.