It’s beginning to look somewhat like christmas, or at least it did before the rain started. Anyways, I know some of you will go home in early december, and thereby I wanted to invite you all to a little gathering at my place on this saturday, the 23rd of november, from 18:00. That should not collide with many exams either.
This will take place at Bakkehellet 7. My name is not listed at the door bell, but call appartment 309 (Gløsen).
There will be gingerbread, glühwein, clementines, christmas songs and good times. Norwegian style christmas. If you want, you can bring christmas beer, a board game or whatever you want. Last year we baked saffron buns for a tradition called St. Lucia, but I am open to suggestions, given that Lucia is not until the 12th of december.
Note: Practise will continue as usual as long as we have OK turn up at the practises.
I wanted to post a quick reminder about the Social beer, which is going to happen after practise tomorrow. Now that UKA is over, there will be no enterance fee at Samfundet 😀 As you know, you can drink anything else than beer if you want and you also can show up to just practise or just social beer after practise if you can’t do both (but it tastes better after judo practise 😉 ).
We will be there approximately 21:15, as we go together from Sit Gløshaugen after practise. See you tomorrow!
EDIT: We are going wednesday instead, because Samfundet was closed!
We have been working a while to get the webshop going. The main reason for doing this is that we do not want to deal with wire transfers and cash. Now you can pay directly on this site!
This has taken some time, because the IT group, NTNUI Sprint, has negotiated with Stripe, which is the payment service provider. Negotiated to minimize payment fees, that is. Further, Stripe is an international and safe to be trusted with your transfers.
Once again NTNUI Blits (media group) has helped us, Nils Dittrich and Keivan has taken the product fotos.
After a while working on the new website, it became clear that our logo lacked in resolution and quality. This made it hard to make promotion material and impossible to print logos on clothing.
This is why we have gotten a new logo! The logo is drawn by Steffen Rysgård from NTNUI Blits – our mediacrew.
The old logo.
The design og the new logo is inspired by the old one, and symbolizes the vision of a gathered NTNUI. As a result of this goal, NTNUI now owns its own brand. This demands that the group logos of NTNUI, has elements from the NTNUI logo itself.
The NTNUI logo. Not sure if this version has the right colors xD
Earlier, it has flourished with different shades of red, green, black & yellow. It still does, but as we made a new logo, we no doubt got the decided colors right for once.
We also managed to get some more green into the logo, as it usually is the most dominant of our club colors. This also creates a nice contrast between Tori and Uke in the logo.
Finally we get to practise at the recently remodelled gym at Sit Gløshaugen sports center. That is, we practise in the Gløshaugen dojo already tomorrow at opening day!
Not much is changed about the dojo, but it will be nice to get new wardrobes and club house facilities.
On august 27th the judo group yet again showed up for the annual activity day. This day was meant for students to come and try different activities like judo, fencing, rugby, american football and quidditch at one and the same event.
On monday 2nd of september it is time for the semester’s first beer at Samfundet after practise. This is a great arena for getting to know all the new judoka better, which in turn makes practise more fun.
As mentioned at last practise, I will switch practise with Martin next week so I can sing for an engineering business with the men’s choir Høystemt, while you practise. But fear not young padawan! I will just meet you at Samfundet, so you just shower at the gym and bus in gruop to Samfundet straight after practise 😀
I would not miss it, so if you miss practise like me, just come join us at Edgar, Samfundet arround 21:30 for a beer or just a chat.
Also remember the free trial period at Sit now is over. Check this site how to gain membership:
Also this fall, we have got a lot of exciting things at hand with recruitment of new students and moving back to the sports building by campus Gløshaugen. The gym is said to be refurbished at september 30th, meaning that our first few practises will be at Dragvoll where we have been the last semester.
These practise hours are the same both in the free trial period at Dragvoll in week 34 and 35 (19.-28. august), and when we continue at Gløshaugen.
Mark: Come talk to us and all the other sports at info stands at campus Gløshaugen august 20th. You may also find us at “Open day with NTNUI”, where you get to try a selection of sports 😀
(Pun intended). Sunday march 17th, 2019 was the date of the second annual martial arts seminar of NTNUI at Dragvoll sports centre. The seminar introduced judo, taekwondo, aikido and karate, and it was meant as a social as well as educational event across the martial art groups. This to huge success and to a full dojo.
These get-togethers are really building bridges between the participating martial art groups. I can personally say, I am getting to know these guys!
While the other goup leaders argued why their sport was dangerous and should have the last turn, the judo group rather argued that our sport could be done anywhere, anytime – and got the honor of starting the show. First things first: Falling technique.
Each group had one hour of leading the practise, so there was no time to spare.
Ne-waza was fun for the other groups to try, given that they mostly stay on their feet.
Ofcourse some shiai was in order. Here is Rickard from judo vs. Wolfgang from Aikido.
The athletes also got to try tachi-waza.
And they soon learned that what goes up… But it was fine, because they had already learned ukemi.
Wolfgang from aikido proved a formidable opponent.
After an hour had passed, it was taekwondo’s turn. Sverre learned us to kick.
And also the “Flying high kick”.
After this, we had lunch at campus Dragvoll.
After a meal and some rest, aikido was up. Funfact: these guys could spend half of their time rolling.
Making us others too dizzy to keep up.
Aikido’s speciality was fencing with bokken wooden swords.
The hours went by and finally we learned karate. The karate group focused on self defense this class – and here most things were allowed…
The judo guys had a more relaxed attitude to the whole thing.
To summarise, it was a great seminar, with four hours of four different sports, that still have a lot in common. We hope to keep this seminar next year aswell, making it a tradition! Maybe then we could get jujistu to join us aswell?
Also this semester is concluding towards an end, and it is almost time for graduation. This will mainly happen monday 6th of may, but we have the practise available wedneysday 8th at our disposal if monday is bad (NB! Wednesday 1st of may is Labour day, and so the gym is closed). After this, from week 20 to max week 23 bonus practises could occur if you ask sensei nicely. This ofcourse because we are students, busy with exams, master thesises and so on at this point of the semester – Hang in there!
Back to topic. Grading.
If you want a new belt, it costs 50 NOK.
Paid to account number: 8601 51 63471
Mark payment with: Judo, What: Belt/graduation and <Your Name>
When this is paid, send a mail with payment confirmation to
Remember im your sensei, and know what you can do, even if you have troubles at the actual graduation. You probably have worse exams than this in may. You can do it! Hope to see as many as possible next week. It will be lots and lots of throws, chokes, pins, and useful things you need to freshen up – So it is something for everyone!If you got yellow at twelve, you probably did not know them perfectly.