(Pre)Christmas blast

It’s beginning to look somewhat like christmas, or at least it did before the rain started. Anyways, I know some of you will go home in early december, and thereby I wanted to invite you all to a little gathering at my place on this saturday, the 23rd of november, from 18:00. That should not collide with many exams either.

This will take place at Bakkehellet 7. My name is not listed at the door bell, but call appartment 309 (Gløsen).

There will be gingerbread, glühwein, clementines, christmas songs and good times. Norwegian style christmas. If you want, you can bring christmas beer, a board game or whatever you want. Last year we baked saffron buns for a tradition called St. Lucia, but I am open to suggestions, given that Lucia is not until the 12th of december.


Note: Practise will continue as usual as long as we have OK turn up at the practises.