The best moments as a student
Our time as students is something special. We are young and fond of adventure and experiences. NTNUI aims to meet the students’ needs and make our years as students something to look back on with a smile 🙂
Upcoming events
At NTNUI there are many events taking place during the year. Below are some invitations to join the game 🙂
Ordinary General Assembly
22nd of March 2025
Soon there will be the Extraordinary General Assembly! All groups and members of NTNUI are invited to decide the future of NTNUI!
After this we are inviting you for a social evening at the Club House.
Photo: NTNUI Blits / Andreas Flo

Group gathering
Saturday 29nd to 30th of March 2025
This years first group gathering happens in March at the Student Cabin! All groups have the opportunity to send someone for a weekend of activities, good food, vibes, sauna and hot tub. Save the date!
Photo: NTNUI Blits / Andreas Flo
Gudenes Natteliv (Night of the Gods)
25nd of April
NTNUIs biggest happening is the 25th of April at Studentersamfundet! Join and fill the whole samfundet with our colors and put on your sports suit or the most NTNUI-like thing you have! We are looking forward to a night with the gods!
Photo: Fotogjengen Samfundet

Latest news
From August we will start writing a newsletter that will be posted to the NTNUI website and sent directly to our subscribers. Do you want to help write/translate the English version? Send us an e-mail!
Contact us
Postal address:
NTNUI (group)
Christian Frederiks gate 20
N-7030 Trondheim, NORWAY
Check out our main board for more contact details.