Today marks exactly one month until this spring´s Ordinary General Assembly of NTNUI , and the time has come to welcome you to participate. The General Assembly is NTNUI’s highest authority, and all members have the right to vote. This is your chance to influence the direction you believe is best for the world’s greatest club – NTNUI.

Date: Saturday, 22nd of March 2025
Time: Doors open at 10:00, start at 11:00. We recommend setting aside the entire afternoon.
Venue: R1 at Campus Gløshaugen.
Food: There will be food served during the General Assembly.
For whom: The General Assembly is open to all NTNUI members. If you have paid for an NTNUI membership and have held a valid membership for at least one month, you have the right to vote at the General Assembly. All NTNUI groups are required to attend, meaning each group must be represented by at least one delegate. To use the voting system, you must verify that you have a valid account at
Submission of matters: Do you have any matters you wish to bring up at the General Assembly? Send them to by March 8.
If you wish to submit proposals for amendments to governing documents (e.g., bylaw changes), these must be prepared and sent out for consultation at least two weeks before the General Assembly. (Lover for NTNUI 2024, §3 point 3, c “Endring i styredokumenter”).
Gathering at Studenterhytta and Staup: After the General Assembly, it is tradition to go up to Studenterhytta for a social evening. Free transportation will be provided, but you can also take part in the traditional run up to the cabin – known as Staup. Free food will also be served at the cabin.
Registration can be done here. The deadline for registration is March 16.
Complete agenda: The agenda will be sent by email to all elected representatives and published on our website by March 15.
Welcome to you all!