Status for the fall semester

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Hello world! It is time for a new semester at NTNU, but the pandemic continues. The sports federation is in talks with the government about the opening of practise of contact sports, but the opening will be gradual, so we do not yet know which sports will be prioritized. The earliest opening date is 1st of september, but we do not yet know what will happen.

When judo practice opens again, there will be restrictions specific to our sport, mentioned in last post (

It would be possible to have alternative practises without any contact, but this would be more general practice. Perhaps this is the time to try out some other great practices at NTNUI, that is included in your membership. Jogging and circuit practice is held by several groups and is free and open to all members.

For now, judo practice is still suspended until further. More information will be given when we have it. Hope both new and old members are ready to do some judo when the authorities gives the ready signal!