Tindegruppa has a cabin at Selnes that all members can use for free! The cabin has mattresses for 5 people, but if you bring sleeping pads, it can easily fit up to 14 people. The cabin is equipped with a gas stove and a wood stove. The cabin is always open, so feel free to use it! If you are a group of more than 5 people, we’d really appreciate it if you let us know by sending a message to the webmaster or on facebook to let us know the dates you are there. If you are not a member of TG you can use the cabin for 50NOK per person per night. During your stay, if you notice that anything is missing from the cabin or any work needs to be done, send us a message on facebook.
To get to the cabin, you have to drive to the ferry at Flakk and take the ferry over to Rørvik. Follow fv 717 west towards Rissa until you reach a crossroad with a gas station. Then you drive to the left on Fv 718. After a total of 62 km driving from Trondheim, you will see Selnesveggen (the main wall) on the right side. Park the car at Åsvang grendehus. It is also possible to take the bus from Trondheim S.
The path up to the hut begins behind the house and goes along the perimeter of the field and then up the valley to the right of the main wall. The walk from the car to the hut takes about 40 minutes.
If you are not a member you can pay HERE