Refund of travel expenses

Tindegruppa may cover parts of your travel expenses to and from events organized by Tindegruppa. We support the most efficient travel route. You need to be both member of NTNUI and TG to get travel refund from us.

Requirements for refund:

  • You and the passengers have to be NTNUI-members
  • You and the passengers have to be TG-members (Tindegruppa-members)
  • You have to fill out the form with correct documentation within the deadline (pay attention to info on slack regarding each trip)

What you have to do:

All passengers have to do 1. and 2. The driver has to do 1., 2. and 3.

1. NTNUI-membership:
– Make sure that you and the passengers have a valid NTNUI membership by logging in to If there is an error, talk to someone at SiT.

2. TG-membership:
– Pay the one time fee for a life long membership
– Log in to and registrer as a member in Tindegruppa

3. The driver have to fill out the refund-form:
Log in at and fill out the form
– Upload a screenshot of the travel route from Google Maps showing the shortest route from NTNUIs klubbhus (Christian Frederiks gate 20) to the event you have attended. For the gatherings/trips that TG arrange, the destination is the address of the camping spot.
– Under “Beløp” you write the result following the calculation:
Driving your own car: 3,5 * number of kilometer in total = _____
Driving in a rental car: 0,9 * number of kilometer in total * number of NTNUI-members = ______
– Under “Kommentar” write the calculation you did^

The refund you receive from NTNUI and Tindegruppa will be 70% of the amount in the calculation.

If you have any questions, contact

Here are a link for the ecomony guidelines of NTNUI:

Explanation of what to write where: