About Tindegruppa
Tindegruppa is the climbing group of NTNUI. All students are welcome, regardless of climbing level and preferred style. Indoor, bouldering, sport, trad, ice, it doesn’t matter. The chances are great for you to find someone to climb with. Our weekly events are bouldering on Tuesdays and lunch in Hangaren on Fridays. Other activities include weekend trips to climbing destinations around the central part of Norway throughout the year, climbing competitions and different kind of climbing courses. We are responsible for maintenance of our climbing wall Dragwall at Dragvoll Idrettssenter, and bouldering wall at I-bygget at Gløshaugen. We do also have our own “koie” which is available for all the members og tindegruppa, and have equipment for rental. To get in touch with other climbers, join the facebook group TG Møteplassen. This is the place to find a climbing partner or ask about crag conditions and any other climbing related questions.

- Access to courses hosted by Tindegruppa
- Access to rent equipment (excluding personal equipment like harness and shoes++)
- Discount on tuesdaybouldering
- Discount at VPG
- Vote on the general assembly
- Use our cabbin at Selnes
- Free camping or cabins on our trips
- Get fuel refunded driving to events and trips.
- Their arrangements and training’s.
- Boulder at Sit gløshaugen
- Wall climb at Sit dragvoll
To become a member you have to be a member of NTNUI. Our membership (lifetime) costs 200kr for ordinary students and 100kr for exchange students. This can be paid throufh our website. Membertship at NTNUI comes in addition. That can be bought alone or through a SiT Trening membership.

Social media
Social media is a good place to discover events and meet new climbing partners. Thats why we have several social media pages.
NTNUI Tindegruppa: News and events from Tindegruppa.
TG Møteplassen: Here you can find new climbing partners if you want to go climbing.
Weekly Events
Tuesday climbing: Bouldering at Grip Klatring every Tuesday at Leangen (or Sluppen). We start at 19.00 and climb as long as there is any power left in our arms. Check the facebook group NTNUI Tindegruppa for dates and updated information.
Annual events
Our main weekend events are Romsdalssamling in the beginning of the autumn semester, and Vintersamling in February. These events, and other trips, have their own facebook events with information regarding the specific trip. As a member of NTNUI, you may get financial support for travel expenses to and from events organized by Tindegruppa.
Our competitions are open to everybody, no matter what level you climb. The intention of the competitions is to gather climbers in Trondheim to extraordinary climbing competitions. The events are always celebrated with a party. Our regular competitions are the Mid Norway Student Championship in October, and 3B – Bouldering, bench-press and biceps, in March.
We arrange several courses during both semesters. To join a course, you have to be a member of Tindegruppa and NTNUI. Our regular courses are beginner courses, with the Norwegian climbing license as the main focus, and trad climbing courses. Rope rescue, instructor and route setting courses are also held some semesters..
Dragwall, located at Dragvoll Idrettssenter. 12 meter high climbing wall with quickdraws for lead and anchors for top roping (but no ropes, meaning you have to bring your own). To climb at Dragwall, you need a Norwegian climbing license. Our beginner courses aim at providing you with the skills needed to get the license. If you know how to belay lead with a tubular belay device, but don’t possess a climbing license, you may take the test at our Tuesday climbing. Let us know on facebook if that is the case.
I-bygget, located at Sit Gløshaugen idrettsbygg is steep and compact bouldering room.
Access to our facilities require a normal membership at Sit Trening. In addition, you have to pay 25 NOK pr time to go climbing at Dragwall. One-year access card to Dragwall is available for 300 NOK. In order to buy this card, you have to be a member of Tindegruppa. Payment for the access card is done at the desk in Dragvoll Idrettssenter.
Outdoor climbing
The city is surrounded by good outdoor climbing crags. The most popular include Hell and Korsvika. Korsvika is close (accessible by bike/bus), but rather small. The number of routes at Hell is far greater, but the distance is longer (25 min car, or more with bus/train + walking). Regarding trad climbing, Støren (45 min drive) is frequently visited. Other nearby crags include Tikneppen, Trolla, Storvika and Olavsspranget. Information about Storvika and Olavsspranget is available at 27crags. The other crags, and many more, are well described in the guide book Trønder Rock (made by Tindegruppa).
There are several good spots for outdoor bouldering. Close to the city, Trolla, Ila and Korsvika are reach by a short buss/bike ride. Across the fjord, Harbak and Vingsand provide some of the best bouldering spots in Norway.
Barnslige glæder
Our yearly magazine containing Tindegruppa-stories.