Belay course 1 (English), 21 and 22 october.


The introductory course is for those who want to start with rope climbing and take the Belay certificate. (Brattkort). The course provides basic belaying and climbing skills and the opportunity to take the Belay test. (Brattkorttest). Which, if passed, allows you to belay at all climbing gyms in Norway.

The course will be held from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM over two days: DATE??

The course will take place at the new climbing wall at SiT Øya, Vangslunds Gate 2, 7030 Trondheim.

You must have your own entry with SiT.

You can borrow a harness, rope, and shoes from Tindegruppa for the course 🙂






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The introductory course is for those who want to start with rope climbing and take the Belay certificate. (Brattkort). The course provides basic belaying and climbing skills and the opportunity to take the Belay test. (Brattkorttest). Which, if passed, allows you to belay at all climbing gyms in Norway.

The course will be held from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM over two days: Tuesday and Thursday, October 21-22.

The course will take place at the new climbing wall at SiT Øya, Vangslunds Gate 2, 7030 Trondheim.

You must have your own entry with SiT.

You can borrow a harness, rope, and shoes from Tindegruppa for the course 🙂




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