Hi judoka,
Christmas is coming, and people are finnishing their exams, traveling or going home. We will have this years last official practise on wednesday, because several have said they won’t be here next week.
This has been a great semester, where we started at Dragvoll and got to move to the new and remodelled Gløshaugen idrettssenter. We have participated two recruiting events, made a webshop, mailinglist, gotten a new logo, taken a lot of cool pictures, had social beer, a christmas party and graduation with new yellow and orange belts. Productive!
We will also have a lot of fun next semester, so stay tuned! The Aikido guys have already sterted planning the annual martial art exchange seminar.
Semester start at NTNU is monday 6th of january, and we plan to make the first practise of 2020 on this day. New semester means new members. In the beginning of the semester Sit usually has free entrance, so an excellent opportunity to gain some new recruits. Try judo for free before you decide!
Welcome back, and merry christmas!