Tekst: Emilie Faarup Storvik & Øystein Fruseth Christiansen
Foto: Iris Merete Natten Frydenlund/NTNUI

Foto: NTNUI / Iris M. Natten Frydenlund
Grunnlegger av NTNUI Bumerang
Stian Rakke har vært en del av NTNUI siden 2010 og ble utnevnt til ridder av NTNUIs orden i 2013. Han har jobbet for å gjøre studentidretten tilgjengelig for alle, uansett hva slags sosioøkonomisk bakgrunn man skal ha, og har vært pådriver for NTNUI Bumerang siden 2015.
På NTNUIs julebord 19. november ble han endelig utnevnt til Kommandør for NTNUI orden etter å ha jobbet hardt for klubben de siste 10 årene.
NTNUI Bumerang
- Gratis utlånsportal for sportsutstyr driftet av NTNUI
- Formålet er å tilby studenter, i tillegg til andre i Trondheim, muligheten til å prøve sporter man vanligvis ikke har mulighet til å teste ut
- Utstyret er lånt ut gjennom et bibliotekssystem, og man leverer tilbake på samme sted etter avtale.
- Bumerang vant Student Buddy-prisen i 2020

Foto: NTNUI / Iris M. Natten Frydenlund
Øysteins tale til Stian (på engelsk)
Dear NTNUI family! My name is Øystein Christiansen and I have the great pleasure of being here to honor one of our dear members today. The laureate became a member of NTNUI in 2010 and has been an important part of the association throughout all these years. The laureate began the journey in the soccer group where he was one of the driving forces behind Dødens Hinderløp. Because of his contributions to the soccer group he became a knight of NTNUIs order in 2013.
After his time in the soccer group he became a member of the selection committee and one of those guys who was just always around on general assemblies and in NTNUIs clubhouse. The laureate had an idea that every student in Trondheim should be able to try sports and activities; regardless of how much equipment they had, or how much money they could spend on buying or borrowing equipment. In his pursuit to reduce the threshold for being active as a student, and fighting the injustice of socioeconomic background in sports the laureate started NTNUI Bumerang in 2015.
Bumerang lends out sports equipment for free to all students and residents in Trondheim. Through a period of 6 years the laureate developed Bumerang from being a small part of the office at Idrettsbygget Gløshaugen to having its own facility at Moholt Student Village. The laureate has applied for money and financed almost all of the equipment they have from external donors. Without the use of NTNUIs money he created one of the most important services to enable activity for all students in Trondheim before he gave up the leadership of the group in 2021.
The laureate is a living and breathing manifestation of NTNUIs values and has through 12 years devoted time to create opportunities for others to have the best memories of their student time. It is a great honor for me to promote Stian Rakke to a commander of NTNUIs order.