All time results

Here you will find an overview of results registered for various triathlons and races of members of NTNUI Triathlon. We strive to keep the top five so right that it can be called club records, but make reservations that we may lack some results.

Reqiurements for being on the list:

  • You must be a member of, and represent, the NTNUI Triathlon during the competition.
  • The competition must officially meet the distance requirements for the distance in question.

TriSprinten/SM women

* Biking route for SM 19 was ca 2 km shorter due to construction work

TriSprinten/SM men

* Biking route for SM 19 was ca 2 km shorter due to construction work

Sprint women

Sprint men

Olympic women

Olympic men

Half-distance women

Half-distance men

Full distance women

Full distance men


5 km women

5 km men

10 km women

10 km men

Half maraton women

Half maraton men

Maraton women

Maraton men