You have an idea for a stunning trip? Then become a trip coordinator and organize a tour together with amazing, like-minded people.
Image: Kari Noer Lilli
Our committees:
In “ski og fjellsport” we have tree committees: Amundsen, Nansen and the social committee, see comittees. Each committee has 15 members that organize trips the whole semester. When you join a committee, you join a community that meets reguary and goes on trips together. In addition, our committee members get easier places on other trips organized by “ski og fjellsport”
How to becoma a committee member?
At the start of each semester we take inn new members to the committees. The sign-up form for for this is sent out by email, when you have signd up to our email list. There will also be information to the sign up at our annual meeting at the start of the semester.
How to arrange a trip without beeing a committee member?
If your not a committee member, but still wants to arrange trips, you can send an email to ski-og-fjellsport@ntnui.no. Than the board will help you arrange your trip 🙂