Where @?
Currently, we are practising Sit Gløshaugen sports building, Chr. Fredericks gate 20.
We also have a dojo at Sit Dragvoll sports centre, Loholt allé 81, which is used if needed.

1 Get the NTNUI-membership and the gym membership
2 Get judo insurance and a judogi (clothing).
3 Come practice!

When is the next practice?
Practice hours are on:
- Mondays at 19:00-20:30 – for experienced judokas
- Tuesday at 21:00-22:30 – for beginners
- Thursdays at 20:00-21:30 – for all levels
Otherwise check the Facebook group

Where can i get the suit?
You can purchase a practise “gi” (suit) from us, with better quality than depicted 😉

Can I get a trial?
Ofcourse! Come try before you decide. E-mail us and we will get you into the gym 😀