I hope you all had a great summer. It’s great to be back in town and we’re looking forward to a busy fall semester!
Stay tuned for information about Welcome Week, which will be announced shortly. In the meantime, the trainings will return as usual from Monday, August 22th with the following times and locations:
Monday: Easy Jog 18.30-19.30 Meetup in front of the main building at Gløshaugen
Wednesday: Intervals 18.30-19.30 Meetup outside of Trondheim Spektrum
Friday: Hill Intervals 16.30-17.30 Meetup in front of the main building at Gløshaugen
We’re looking forward to seeing you all! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on Instagram or Facebook.
This is a recap of the semester written by our mascot Hjalmar (pictured below)
Hjalmars semester recap After a slow start to the year due to the pandemic, Norway lifted all restrictions in February and we could finally return to normal life. There was much happening in NTNUI Friidrett which is why I want to share some of my highlights.
In February we had the group general assembly which I (the most important member of the group) of course attended. We had many discussions and came up with new ideas on how to improve our Master Plan and the group itself, followed by pizza (unfortunately no bananas). At the end all the present members and I elected the new board for the following year and my very good friend Fredrik was elected as the new leader of the group (no, I did not bribe the election committee…or did I?!). Fredrik and I share many memories like running Fjellseterløpet and Trondheim half-marathon together, and I spend most of my time at his place since he makes sure I always have enough bananas.
Me and Fredrik running together
In March I joined the rest of Friidrett and NTNUI at Gudenes natteliv. We dressed up in our best clothes aka. our Friidrett clothing and started the night at Voll for a pre-party and then we turned Samfundet green, yellow and black for the night. After having waited for two years, it was finally time for NTNUI to take over Samfundet again and party all. night. long! You want to know how my night ended…that’s a secret I’ll never tell.
A week later I was very happy to travel to Alicante in Spain with lots of others from the running group. The trip to Alicante has been a tradition in the Friidrett group for many years now, and naturally I joined the trip again this year. We had a few sunny and a few rainy days, but I made sure everyone was having a great time. Even though it was very windy, we hiked up to the Calpe cliff as we do every year and took a picture to prove it. While in Spain some people were trying to improve their running skills and joined most of the training sessions twice a day, while others preferred improving their party skills. I joined in on the best of both worlds.
Another thing that happened in March was that the group decided it was best for me to have a tracker on me. After my dad was kidnapped in the fall of 2019 all of NTNUI Friidrett mourned his disappearance, and said never again! So, to make sure this would not be my fate I am now being tracked. I agreed to this, as I don’t want anyone to worry about me and want to give people a sense of security, but now everyone knows where I spent my nights…
Fjellseterløpet finally happened again!!! The previous years the club was forced to organize a virtual run, but this year we arranged our normal race again. On April 30th at 12.00 o’clock 177 runners decided to run 8,1 km with a 420 m incline from Lerkendal all the way up to Skistua. Despite some rain and snow everyone looked like they were having fun either running or cheering. At the top we had snacks and drinks for everyone, prices for the fastest runners and buses to drive everyone back down again. Running up is more than enough!
One of my big highlights this year was the 17th of may. The 17th of may is Norway’s national day and everyone usually dresses up in their finest clothes, may it be a bunad, a suit, a dress or NTNUI clothing and celebrates our country. We eat as much ice-cream and hot dogs as we want and show off our national colors: red, white and blue. I joined the running group for our traditional run from Gløshaugen to Korsvika, followed by a quick swim in the Fjord and the first ice-cream of the day. Then, I quickly ran home to change before joining the breakfast with all the others in the group in the park in front of Gløshaugen. We enjoyed some delicious food in the sun, played kubb and just enjoyed each other’s company. For the first time in three years we were again able to participate in the parade through the center of the city and, of course, I was in the front leading our section. After more ice-cream and hot dogs in Dødens Dal I called it a night and went home, while the others continued celebrating.
Me and my friends at 17th of May
Of course this is not all that happened this semester, there were also our weekly trainings (yes, we do actually run every now and then), bouldering sessions, BBQs, some skiing, cabin trips, races and many other fun events. Through all this time I have enjoyed spending time with old friends, but also making new friends.
Before I take off for the summer and enjoy my well-deserved vacation (yes, it will involve lots of bananas) I want to thank everyone for a very fun semester! Thanks to all the volunteers who have helped organize events this semester, who have planned our trip to Spain, who have helped promote and organize Fjellseterløpet and who have helped lead trainings! Thanks to the board and the council who ensure the club stays running, and a big thanks to everyone who shows up to trainings and joins in on all our fun!
But most of all, the biggest thanks goes to me, myself and I for being awesome!
On April 30 at 12:00pm the starting shot was finally fired for Fjellseterløpet 2022! After months of planning and hard work it was good to finally see runners on the starting line at Lerkendal Stadium again. The race has been held since 1987, and thousands of runners have defeated the 420 altitude meters and 8 kilometers up to Skistua. This year 177 runners completed the race, and despite the cold and wet weather the atmosphere was at its best.
For the second year in a row Eva Ingebrigtsen (Bratsberg IL) won in the women’s class with a time of 35:11.8 and Simen Ellingsdalen (Steinkjer Friidrettsklubb) won the men’s class with a time of 30:42.1. Congratulations to both of them!
Several fantastic volunteers from NTNUI Event, NTNUI Rowing, NTNUI Friidrett and the Red Cross helped during the day and created both a good atmosphere and ensured the runners safety before, during and after the race. Among other things, they helped hand out start numbers, carried luggage, stood trail guard, handed out fruit and juice, and cheered on the runners from start to finish.
Finally, we would like to thank the Fjellseter committee who made a fantastic effort with both the planning and implementation of the race. Big thanks go to Anne, Antonio, Erlend, Fredrik, Ida, Maria, Silje, Tina and Vivi.
We at NTNUI Friidrett are now looking forward to the annual running relay together with Aktiv Campus on September 2nd. See you there!
After two years we were finally able to celebrate a normal 17. of mai again! May 17th is the Norwegian national day and celebrated in all of Norway!
We started the celebrations in true NTNUI Friidrett fashion with our traditional run&swim. This means we started with a slow early morning run from Gløshaugen to Korsvika where we went for a quick swim. This was followed by some ice-cream to start of the day on a good note.
Then, we met for breakfast outside the Gløshaugen main building under blue skies where we enjoed delicious self-made bread, cakes and other treats while playing kubb.
Later in the day we joined the celebrations in the city center. Along with the rest of NTNUI we walked in the parade through the streets of Trondheim and not only celebrated Norway, but spread the green, yellow and black spirit of NTNUI.
The NTNUI main board had invited all of NTNUI for more celebrations after the parade in Dødens Dal, and of course NTNUI Friidrett was represented there. Together with the other groups of NTNUI we enjoyed endless amounts of hot-dogs and even more ice-cream in the sun.
Needless to say, Hjalmar (our mascot) joined in on all the fun! On the back of Fredrik, our leader, he joined the run&swim, joined the breakfast at Gløs, and, naturally, he was in the front row of our section in the parade. He even joined Dødens Dal to get his share of hot-dogs and ice-cream!
We’re ready for our group general assembly it will be on February 15th, in A2 in the Adolf Øien Building. On the meeting we will elect a new board! And it’s a good look into how we run the club, there will also be pizza! Check the attachments below for the formal notice and case file:
Our trainings will return as the semester starts with our first training now on monday 10.01.2022.
Due to the current restrictions in Trondheim, we have to split into groups of 20 during practice (you’ll select your group on arrival based on distance/intensity). So remember to stay within your group and keep a safe distance while running. There also won’t be any indoor trainings.
Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-situation it is important that you keep an eye on our active members group on Facebook to receive the latest information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2315427098530512.
NTNUI Friidrett wishes to invite all our members to this semesters group general assembly. It will be held tuesday the 2nd of November at 17:00 at the main building at Gløshaugen, room H3. Here you will get updated on past and upcoming events, meet the board and our committees, and discuss and vote over changes within the club and the master plan.Only NTNUI members with a valid wafer have the right to vote, and a case need 2/3rds majority to pass.As well as getting to hang out with us, there will be served pizza at the meeting so there really is no reason not to come.
Please click going on the Facebook event if you are planning on going: