
Kalenderen oppdateres fortløpende i løpet av semesteret. Vanligvis blir turer publisert 3 uker på forhånd. Alle turinvitasjoner med påmeldingslink blir sendt som epost til alle medlemmer.

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We are updating the calender regularry during the semester. Usually, a tour is published 3 weeks in advanced. All invitations with the link for the registration are send via mail to all members.

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Laster Arrangementer

Arrangementer for 7 februar, 2020

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  • Dette event har allerede funnet sted.


Full Moon Skitour

7 februar, 2020 @ 15:00 - 9 februar, 2020 @ 17:00 CET

On that weekend we will have a full moon. So why not using its magical light to draw some beautiful lines into untouched mountainsides. Then going back inside and warming our cold butts up with some delicious warm chocolate.More information will follow via email!

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