Shared indoor trainings take place in Armfeldtsalen on sports hall Gløshaugen five days a week. All registration for these workouts is through our Spond group. See FAQS for an explanation of what spond are and how to join the group.

Tuesday 17.00: Interval training on rowing machine 5×5 min on rowing machine, come fully warmed up, we start right on the intervals at 17.00. Warming up is recommended to last for at least 20 minutes and may, for example, be jogging outside, cycling on a spinning bike or rowing on a rowing machine. Registration takes place in Spond (important to sign up for a place!)

Tuesday at 17.45:
Interval training on row machine. Instructor present 5×5 min on rowing machine, come fully warmed up, we start right at the intervals at 17.45. Warming up is recommended to last for at least 20 minutes and may, for example, be jogging outside, cycling on a spinning bike or rowing on a rowing machine. Every Tuesday, there will be focus on basic technique, where the first quarter of the session will have a purely technical focus before we run a short interval session of 3x5min or similar. It will be possible for more experienced rowers to run 5×5 in parallel with the technique session.

Thursday at 5.30pm: Circut training:
Warming up with stickball. Circle A. 12 exercises where each exercise lasts 45 seconds with 15 seconds between each exercise. Repeat four times. You do not need to sign up for this session, but remember to show up on time.

Friday at 2.30 pm: Open floor.
Here you are free to use the session as you wish. Feel free to use the session on base training or other injury prevention training. It is also allowed to use the session to increase capillary network and endurance.

Saturday at 10am: Long Interval on row machine, come pre-heated. The program on this session may vary slightly, but there will be long intervals on the rom machine. An example of a session:
12x4min, 2 min break, 24 s / m
6x10min, 3 min break,
6x11min pyramids (3min-2min-1-2-3, 2min break,
4x19min pyramids (3min-2min-1-2-3-2-1-2-3, 3min break
Registration takes place in Spond

Sunday at 4pm: Romaskin surprise!
We will dispose of the hall until 17:30. Here, there will be variations of different row machine intervals on the threshold.
In December, there will be Advent celebrations at the end of this session, with gingerbread, oranges and candles lighting.