Circuit training

World record holders, Nordic-champions, Norwegian champions, student champions and outperforming our peers at the banquettes. Wondering how they do it? Doesn’t come for free…

You will find the recipe to success here:

It’s simple really! 12 exercises: 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of break. Do 4 rounds with 2 minutes of break in between. Remember to start strong and work through the pain!

Here you can see our newly crowned world record holders showing you how it’s done.

You can check out our quarantine special here.

This years Spotify list can be found here .

And if you dream of times pre 2020 you can check out this folder for some old hits.

All the posts at the circuit:
1. Rowingmachine
2. Sit ups
3. Mountain climber
4. Burpees
5. Kettlebell row/dips
6. Windshield wiper
7. Squat jump
8. Bird dog
9. Push ups
10. Jumping lunges
11. The plank
12. Leg raises