RECAP SPRING 2019, May-June (3/3)
This is the last article to summarize the first semester of 2019. Even though the schoolyear was going to an end and people was preparing for the final exam, we continued the trainings and runners from the group was competing in races.
The 1th of May, the yearly relay race “Olavsstafetten” was held. It consisted of seven distances, from 300m to 1600m, with start and finish at Øya Stadion. We signed up a team in the mix-class. They did a great job in the pouring rain and even won the mix-class!

Other races which people attended to from the group during May was
- May 14th: Tordenskioldløpet, 5km and 10km
- May 15th: BDO-mila, 5km and 10km
- May 17th : KM Langdistanse, 10 000m men
- May 30th: Botn Rundt, 15km
17th of May
May 17th is the Norwegian National day which we celebrate by walking in the parade and eating ice-cream. In NTNUI Friidrett, we have a yearly tradition for meeting for a morning jog followed by a swim in the ocean. We meet up at 6.30 am and ran to Korsvika for a refreshingly swim. After the swimming we ate some ice-cream before running back. Later in that day, we celebrated with rest of Trondheim, by joining the parade in the city with others from NTNUI.

It’s also a yearly tradition to arrange championships (Kretsmesterskap) in 10 000m for men and 5000m for women at the athletics stadium in the evening. Magnus Warvik from NTNUI Friidrett competed among several of other runners, with the aim of running below 32 minutes (NM-kravet). Magnus ended in 9th place with the time 32:17,38. He was a bit disappointed, as he ran 40 seconds faster last year. Maybe it was because he ate too little ice-cream before the race?
The time went by fast and suddenly we were in the middle of June with most of the students gone back home for the summer. We continued with Monday trainings through the summer vacations as several of members were staying in Trondheim.
Thank you for reading the last recap-article of the spring semester!
Some of us went to Tromsø in June, running the Midnight Sun Marathon. We have uploaded a race-report from that event here:
Race report: Midnight Sun Marathon 2019Åpne publiseringspanelet