RECAP SPRING 2019, March-April (2/3)
Spain trip – Tour de Albir
Friday the 15th of March, 12 people from our group went for an adventure. We travelled to south, escaping the cold and wet weather in Trondheim. The destination was L’Albir, a small town in the east coast of Spain, where we stayed for 9 days.

In general, we trained two session per day. One before or after breakfast, and one session between lunch and dinner. We were having three meals included per day at our stay at the hotel, and the food was fantastic! The conditions at the hotel where quite well with facilitations as swimming pool (both outdoor and indoor!), strength-room, sauna, table tennis, volleyball field and wifi. It wasn’t possible to get bored at Albir Garden Hotel!
We tried to get many joint trainings, like going for a slow run together or doing the harder workouts at the running track close to the hotel. But runners from NTNUI-Friidrett travelling to Spain for a training camp are not like ordinary runners, which you can tell by several of incredible performances! Each day we were discussing who had been running most kilometres and what the further plan was.

Leonard, a former exchange student at NTNU from Germany, was really putting in those kilometres and pushed himself hard. Going from a weekly mileage goal of 125km to finishing the week with 200 km in 6 days were shocking the rest of us! The German lion was not a joke. June Kieu-Van (aka Kiwi) came to the training camp with a troubling knee, but worked hard with alternative strength-training and ran the pain of. Doing 190km in the last 7 days tells us which kind of a fighter she is! Magnus, the living legend, was patiently charging the batteries to end of the week to show us how a really hard workout is to be done. At the second-last day, the brutal marathon-workout was set to the test. He started off with 10km of warm-up, doing 3x10km with increasing speed from 3:45-3:20 min/km pace and finishing with 10km off cool-down. A session of total 50km in an average 3:54 min/km pace! The astonishing runner from Tromsø finished of his last 7 days with a total of 214km.
running, a lot of eating were done. We hiked one day at a mountain in Calpe,
and some rented bikes and did some cycling as well in the area. One of them was
Terje, which cycled every day because of an injury.
We are very satisfied with our stay in Albir, and are definitely going back
next year!

Gudenes natteliv / Nightlife of the Gods
This event is NTNUI’s yearly party at Samfundet where people dress up in the NTNUI colours green, yellow and black. We met for a pre-party, hosted by Weizhi, before we went to Samfundet. To promote for the race Fjellseterløpet, we printed out start numbers and handed them out for people to wear. People had a great time and enjoyed going for a party in comfy training clothes!

Dinner-night at Clas
Like last year, our social manager (sosialansvarlig) – Clas, made dinner a Friday after the hill intervals and invited the group. He is quite good at the kitchen where he also made a vegan alternative! The rest of the evening went by with board games and snacks.
Fjellseterløpet 2019
Wednesday April 24th, we in NTNUI Friidrett arranged the running event Fjellseterløpet. It’s a hill race going from Lerkendal to Skistua in Bymarka. This was the 32nd time the event was arranged, and we got 268 people signing up! All kinds of runners attended with an age span from 11 to 68 years of age. This year we even got nice weather and sun, thanks to the event manager Erlend! This event could not have been done without all the volunteers from the group, helping out with tasks before, during and after the race. A big thanks to all of you!