RECAP SPRING 2019, January-February (1/3)
Hey fellow runners! Due to little updates and lack of articles from what the group has been doing during the first semester of 2019, we want to make a newsletter over three articles to summarize the last semester. Hope you will enjoy looking back at these memories. Either as a group member or as a curious person wondering what’s going on in this group!
New Years Resolution Week
In the beginning of the semester, we wanted to kickstart the new year with a week full of activities. This idea is similar to what we have been doing every August in the start of a new semester, to welcome new students and old members from the summer vacation.
NTNUI Friidrett is not only a group for running and athletics, but the social part is something we value just as much. Besides the trainings, social gatherings are important for our group to become better known and strengthen the fellowship in the group. In our group, you are always welcome to join us! Either if you are an experienced runner or never have been doing running before.
In the “New Years Resolution Week” the trainings where going as usual. For Tuesday, 6 people went to Ranheimshallen and participated in a 3000m indoor race which was a part of “Vinterkarusellen”. It was a great race with many participants and different starting heats depending on your own time goal. Several of our runners participate in races from 10k to the Marathon, but a 3000m race on the 200m indoor track was far enough!
On Thursday we had a mystery event at campus Gløshaugen where we divided in
teams and did some activities, like quiz and paper-plane-competition, where we
ended of the evening with pizza! On Friday, there where 3 runners who skipped
the regular hill-intervals and ran ultra-intervals instead. They started at
14:00 by doing 1 hour of easy running, then having a 2 hour break, before running
easy for 1 hour again. In total they did 8 hours of running in the time period
from 14:00 at Friday till 12:00 at Saturday! Great job (or craziness) by
Magnus, Ole Emil and June Kieu-Van! Later that Saturday, we gathered for winter
games and party in the evening.
Election of new board
Like every year, we had the main yearly meeting where we discussed events and what’s important for our group. We also elected a new group board:
Elise Wallinder, Leader
Svenn-Helge Vatne, Deputy Leader
Erlend Hansen, Finance Manager
Clas Olaf Andersen, Social Manager
Karoline Gartha Hammer, Events
Lisen Brønmo Næss, Sports Manager
Ole Emil Frisvold, Informational Manager
Trainings in Ranheimshallen
Our trainings at Wednesdays are intervals, usually at a track. During the summer season we run at Øya Stadium, but due to conditions during winter we move the trainings indoor as soon as the temperature gets below zero degrees and the track gets slippery. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to train at an indoor track instead of running at treadmills during the winter. Although it consumes some time travelling to Ranheim, the board are satisfied with the attendance during this winter for the Wednesday intervals! It’s nice to have the wideness at the training so people always have someone to run with or strive to.

NTNUIs Orden – “Ridderkåring”
In the first weekend of March, board members from the different groups in NTNUI gathered at “Studenterhytta” for the yearly group-leader-gathering (gruppeledersamling). This is to get better known with the other groups, shear knowledge and have fun! From our group, Svenn-Helge and Magnus (former group leader) joined the event. During the weekend, NTNUI had an award ceremony called “NTNUIs Orden” where people who have made a great sports achievement or contribution to NTNUI becomes an honorary member of the sport club. They are titled riddere/knights of NTNUI. This year, seven people received this award, including Svenn-Helge and Magnus. Their contribution for the group has been astonishing, and the board wants to thank them so much for their great effort.

Joint party with NTNUI Triathlon and Cycling
In February, we hosted a joint party with the NTNUI groups Triathlon and Cycling. This was a nice evening for getting to know other people outside the group which is doing endurance sports! During this semester, the group has bonded more with NTNUI Triathlon where we invited members from their group to join us for the Wednesday intervals. We hope this will be a lasting cooperation!
This summarizes most of what has been going on in the group during January and February. Stay tuned for the next news-letter! There we will summarize most of March and April, where a lot happened; training camp in Spain, Gudenes Natteliv and Fjellseterløpet.