SiT Gym building at Gløshaugen (Gløshaugen Idrettsbygg) is opening 25th of September. Our groupe will start our normal training at Gløshaugen 1st of October. We will also have new (or old for them who have fenced with us for more than 1 year :P) scheudles:
Tuesday 18:30-19:55
Thursday 16:00-18:30
Saturday 15:00-17:00
As we did before moving to Nardo, we are going to have som technique trainings at Tuesdays, free fencing at Thursdays and our traditional Saturday tournements at Saturdays.
We will also pick up our old tradition and go to Mormors stue after trainings on Tuesday for some beer and buns.
We see forward moving back to Gløshaugen 🙂