How to become a member of NTNUI Hund
If you have registered as a member of NTNUI and paid the fee for the present academic year, you are free to attend our activities. We have no extra fee or tryouts – all NTNUI members are welcome with us. If you are on Facebook we recommend that you join our group “NTNUI Hund” to get the latest updates and information about our upcoming, weekly training classes and hikes/walks.
How to become a member of NTNUI
Go to the reception in one of Sit’s staffed sport centers. You only need NTNUI membership (550 NOK per academic year) to join NTNUI Hund, SiT membership is not necessary.
You can buy membership at these SiT sport centres:
- Solsiden: Sit Portalen
- Gløshaugen: Sit Gløshaugen (Idrettsbygget Gløshaugen)
- Dragvoll: Sit Dragvoll (Idrettsbygget Dragvoll)

Who can become a member of NTNUI
You can become a member of NTNUI if you are:
- A NTNU student.
- A NTNU employee.
- Were a member of NTNUI last year.
How to sign up for our activities
For activities that require you to sign up, there will be posted links to the sign up-sheet. Our regular/weekly walks/hikes and training classes do not usually require a sign up, but it is nice if you choose “going” in the Facebook event so we have an estimate of how many are attending that day. Please check that your Facebook notification settings are set to update you about new activities in the Facebook group so you don’t miss out on any of the fun 🙂