- Dette event har allerede funnet sted.
17. mars 2022 @ 18:30 - 19:00

If you have been following our active members here on Facebook, you might have seen that we are quite fond of going for a refreshing swim after our runs.
Repeating last years Run-N-Swim, we are adding 10 additional runs in the upcoming weeks as preparations for the traditional 17th of May morning jog, where we as you correctly guessed, also go swimming.
Kicking off this time with the first Run-N-Swim during the training camp in Spain, we continue once returned to Trondheim with an extra weekly run from Gløshaugen to Korsvika, or other suitable locations for getting into the water.
The main rule is Thursday at 17:30, but we will take weather and some availability into consideration so exact time each week may be subject to change.
Hope to see you on our extra run, and if you still feel like running more, consider checking out the Volume Group of the club!
Check out the Facebook-Event for more updated information!
Link below!