Welcome to the website for NTNUI Topptur and Freeride!
Are you interested in skitouring and freeride? NTNUI Topptur and Freeride is a group for everyone who wants to go on trips, seek great snow and go offpiste!
We arrange trips throughout the winter, where we go to great ski touring areas like Romsdalen, Sunnmøre, Sunndalen and Storlidalen.
Every week we arrange workouts to prepare you for the season.
We also have social events like trips, pray-for-snow party, skifestival and a freeride competition.
Check out the event calender under “Events” to keep yourself updated on all the awesome stuff happening throughout the year!

To participate on trips with TF, you need to have a valid TF-membership.
Perks of being a member:
- Possibility of joining TF’s trips, events, trainings and parties
- Discount at Anton Sport Tillertorget
- Possibility of renting equipment in the Shop
TF-medlemsskap koster 50kr (pluss NTNUI-medlemsskap), se hvordan du blir det her:
Ps. Please use the same email or phone number for the membership as when you are buying tickets to trips, it makes it a lot easier for us!
Do you want tickets for the trips, tickets for the parties, rent avalanche gear or buy merch? Go to the “Shop” in the top bar!

Want to get to know new people? Do you want to use your time organizing events or trips for other members? Then you can apply for one of our committees!
We have four committees:
– Party and publicity
– Trip committee
– Competition committee
– Workout committee
Read more about the committees and the board under “Who are we?”
However, the majority of TF’s events are for ALL members of TF, not only committee-members!
We have great discount deals with Anton Sport Tillertorget! More info on the bottom of the page!

Information channels:
Join us on Slack! That is where everything happens!
Go to, sign in with your student mail/, and join the NTNUI Topptur og frikjøring-work space. Join all the channels you want information from, and remember to TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS in the settings on Slack (the notifications are turned off by default).
In addition, follow us on instagram: “ntnuitoppturogfrikjoring” and Facebook: “NTNUI Topptur og frikjøring”

Hot tips:
TF has its own amazing magazine called Lurken! You can fint it under “Who are we?”.
Information about the weekly trainings – strength and gymnastics – are under “Trainings”.