Who can join the trips and events arranged by Topptur og frikjøring(TF)?
All NTNUI members are eligible to participate at our trips and events. We don’t have a specific membership, you just sign up for the trips you are interested in!
Do you rent out ski equipment?
No, we do not rent out ski equipment. We do rent out avalanche kits, to rent just go to our webpage. If you wish to rent ski equipment we recommend reaching out to NTNUI bumerang.
Important: Delivery of avalanche kits has to be arranged at least 3 days before pickup. Contact us at tf-nestleder@ntnui.no for delivery of the avalanche kit.
When do you arrange trips?
All of the weekend trips are in January-April, and during the spring semester there is some sort of event almost every weekend! We also arrange a couple of social events and trips during the fall semester to get to know each other before the start of the ski season!
Do you arrange workouts? When are they?
Yes, we do! We arrange a workout every Monday at 18:30-20:00 in SiT Idrettsbygget by Gløshaugen. We also have gymnastics training some Sundays at 20:00 in the gymnastics center (Prinsens Gate 1A) Check out our Facebook page for dates for the gymnastics training. As with all of the other TF events, all NTNUI members can participate.
How can i contribute more in Topptur og Frikjøring?
If you want to contribute more we highly recommend that you apply for one of our committees. We have four committees, the trip-committee, training-committee, party and publicity committee and the competition committee. You can find out more about our committees in the tab “our committees”.
How do you join one of Topptur and Frikjøring’s committees?
Admission to the committees takes place every autumn. Information about admission will be given on our Facebook page, when we are on our stand and at the general assembly.
How do you join the board of Toptur and free driving?
To become a board member, you must stand for election at the general meeting. All NTNUI members can be elected, and you are welcome to stand even if you have just joined Topptur og frikjøring. We have an overlapping period with the old and the new board, so that you will receive good training in your tasks. Read more about the various positions on the board here!
Our statuettes:
In Topptur and Frikjøring we have statutes, these are regulations that have been set and determined over several years. Changes to these will take place at the general assembly, a 2/3 majority is then required to change a statute.