Annual meeting 2025

This year’s annual meeting was held on Thursday the 13th of February at 19:40. The meeting was held at Dragvoll Idrettssenter, and pizza was served to all participants.

The annual meeting is the highest authority within NTNUI Innebandy, and is where the training fee and the coming year’s board is decided on. Our bylaws stipulate that each team must have at least 5 players present, although we want as many people to show as possible.

The selection of a new board is one of the most important items during the annual meeting. Being on the board is very nice, and you will really get to know members from the other teams. In addition, being a board member gives you great experience, looks good on your resume, doesn’t take too much time, and you get as much help as needed from the previous board and the board of NTNUI. A short description of each board position, as well as the current member, is given here:

Leader (Lene Vo)
As a leader, you’re responsible for the club working. This is mostly done through calling board meetings, external communication, and delegation of tasks and following up on the other board members. This position will give you loads of relevant experience for your professional life!

Deputy Leader (Thea Helene Linnerud Foss)
As a deputy leader, your tasks are given by what the leader needs done. This can for example be fixing licences and player lists, writing articles about the club for the NTNUI club paper, or communication with the regional Bandy Federation. There’s not too much work during the year, except for in August, when loads of new players have to be registered.

Treasurer(s) (Mathias Haaland and Anna Rørnes)
This position is responsible for the club economy. The tasks include accounting and budgeting, paying bills, and handling the training fee. Through this position, one gets to work with accounting programs, and gets increased experience with the economy within an organization.

Head of Sports (Women’s: Kristi Vedvik, Men’s: Bård Erlend Steinshylla Solum)
The two heads of sports are responsible for the club’s sporting activity. This consists of finding coaches for our teams, and arranging the yearly Dragvoll Cup. They are also responsible for answering questions from new players via mail and Facebook.

Sponsorship and Equipment Manager (Joonas Hunkilen)
This position has responsibility for keeping track of club material, and buying new when needed. Communication with the club sponsor(s) is also handled by this person. The position takes little time.

Volunteer Coordinator (Marjam Abdul Mumen Sultani)
The volunteer position is responsible for keeping track of voluntary work (dugnad) in the club, like baking cakes and washing training equipment. 

PR Manager (Sunniva Raastad)
The PR manager is responsible for promoting the club online, and designs and orders flyers and posters used in recruiting.

Social Events Coordinator(s) (Ingrid Irtun Aas and Vårin Bruvik)
The social coordinators arrange parties and other social events for the club. These include the autumn party, the spring party, the Christmas table for the board and coaches, and the Dragvoll Cup banquet. The tasks when arranging these events include finding locations, ordering food, buying snacks, and promoting the events to club members.

Web Manager (Sondre Haugen)
This position is responsible for the “digital” aspects of the club, through administration of the club website and mailing lists. No technical skills are required for this position.