NTNUI Fencing is going to have a new beginner course in september! All studentes are welcome to join the course to try fencing and enjoy our fantastic groupe!
Both part 1 and 2 of the course is tailored to students with limited or no prior experience in fencing!
Part 1: Basic fencing skills
5th and 12th of september. Due to limited space and equipment, part 1 of the course is split in to 2 groups. Sign up for EITHER group 1, 19:15-20:30 OR group 2, 20:30-21:45. Both groups will go through the same program, just at different hours!
The course does NOT require a membership at NTNUI nor SiT Training and is completely FREE!
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/8YuJp3RJB5x8NmCH8
Part 2: Advanced tactics
19th of september and 26th of september. The groups from part 1 is combined to a single group and will train at 19:15-20:30.
Bring regular training clothes, preferably long pants, indoor shoes and a water bottle. We will provide the fencing gear!
The course will take place at SiT Idrett DMMH at Thrond Nergaards veg 7, 7044 Trondheim.