NTNUI Cheerleading attended the Norwegian Championship in cheerleading. This is the vlog from the trip!
We are looking for new coaches!
You will become part of the coaching team at NTNUI Cheerleading, with primary responsibility for the development and follow-up of our level 3 team.
Coaching experience is a plus, but not a must.
we offer courses if needed and participation in national trainers’ meetings.
Get in touch for a non-binding chat: cheerleading-leder@ntnui.no

Trondheim Open
NTNUI cheerleading competed with 4 groups at the Trondheim Open. We were so lucky to have NTNUI Blitz with us, so Eirik Halvard Norseth has taken all the pictures for us! Here you can see some pictures from the competition.

NCL 2022
NTNUI Cheerleading participated in NCL with two competing teams! A mixed team Titans, and a girls team Cosmos.
Cosmos won 2nd place in the competition!

Open practices 2022
Signup monday: https://pameldinger.no/e/aqrvvb
Signup thursday: https://pameldinger.no/e/aaudvb
Monday 17.01 | 18:00-20:00 |
Thursday 20.01 | 19:30-21:30 |
An introduction to what cheerleading is (basic techniques).
Monday 24.01 | 18:00-20:00 |
Thursdag 27.01 | 19:30-21:30 |
Possibly there will be tryouts on sunday as well.
Works like a regular practice. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Link to signup for tryouts and this semester: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeciaOqweeMX7k6CWL5oe1oHx3BzbZguEYBq_PTeVrpNkorjA/viewform

Norwegian Open 2021
NTNUI participated with two teams at the Norwegian Open!

Rehearsal before Norwegian Open
We were so lucky to have NTNUI Blitz visiting our rehearsal before NCL. Here, our two teams got to show each other the routines for the first time.
This was a good motivation boost with lots of cheering!
Open practices 2021
Come and try cheerleading | August 30th | 18:00-20:00 | Sign up will be posted through “AktivCampus” on facebook |
“Mosjon” Strength training | September 1st | 17:30-18:30 | Sign up through “AktivCampus” https://fb.me/e/1DT3AtJC9 |
Open practice | September 2nd | 19:30-21:30 | Sign up info on our Facebook-page https://fb.me/e/2r3q3ZJ12 |
Open practice | September 5th | 12:00-14:00 | Sign up info on our Facebook-page https://fb.me/e/2r3q3ZJ12 |
The two first practices are during the AktivCampus-week and sign up is through their Facebook-events. The last two practices have already posted sign ups on our Facebook-page:
Guidelines autumn 2020

These are the guidelines for practices in the autumn of 2020. It’s very important that all athletes read these carefully before you show up for practice.
Open practices
We are arranging four open practices for the season 2020/2021: 24th., 25th., 30th., and 31st of august. They will be held in hall 4 at Sit Gløshaugen. The practice will be a little different than usual due to the corona situation and infection control measures. They will also be restricted in access, so the first-come-first-served principle applies here.
Registration for 24th of august: https://forms.gle/UKisX2KNDkWbtLpv8
Registration for 25th of august: https://forms.gle/cwozeSr84yNqXmwE6
Registration for 30th of august: https://forms.gle/gTAyBfzKNvyjSThm9
Registration for 31st of august: https://forms.gle/bLvz4MngWXqvqNvb6
Meet up in your training clothes and cheer shoes (training shoes also work). Contact us on facebook or email if you have questions. We are looking forward to see you! For more information, check out our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NtnuiCheerleadingTitans