Hello everyone,
New school year means new beginner course and the registration is now open.
The course will be held at Hall 1, Lysholmbygget Kalvskinnet (LYGYM1)
Mazemap: https://link.mazemap.com/nwx3BUY4
The course will be Thursday 8th and 15th of September at 17:30-19:00
(We are trying to extend the course time so it either starts at 17:00 or ends at 19:30. If this happens, info will be posted and sent on email if you are registered to the course)
All you need to bring is training clothes, indoor shoes, and a water bottle.
Register here: https://forms.gle/WjsGsmvNsuzRHZcV9
NB! This registration is for a second group. If you are registered in group 1 (the Wednesday group) you do not need to register here
There are a limited number of slots for the course, so you will get a confirmation email if you get a slot. If you don’t get a slot, feel free to show up at any of our training.
(Registration for our Wednesday group is now closed, but if you want to check if it is possible to join it, you can contact us)
Information about our training times is on our web page, Facebook page, and Facebook group.
Hope to see you there