Dear all members!
Hope you had a great summer vacation, and are looking forward to the new semester.
We are currently in difficult times, and everybody needs to watch out for each other. The Norwegian Badminton Federation has come out with a set of guidelines that we as a club need to follow. We have taken these guidelines into consideration, and the board has made a set of rules that everybody needs to follow on the practices. These rules are enclosed in both Norwegian and English in this e-mail. The biggest changes are that you need to sign up for each training, and double-play is not allowed. Let us know if you have any questions!
To participate at trainings, you need to sign up in the app Spond.
For each training, we will post a new sign up. You have to sign up at least one hour before the training starts!
First training for the semester will be Wednesday 26th of August. After this, regular training as usual.
On a more happy note, we have lots of fun things happening this semester!
Beginner’s course: For three sundays in a row, we host a beginner’s course. The first course day is Sunday 30th of August, second Sunday 6th of September and last Sunday 13th of September. It will take place at Dragvoll Hall B from 19:30 to 21:00.
NTNUI Badminton Tournament (Treffpunkt 2020): 24th of October. We host our own tournament at Dragvoll and invite local players from the region. More info will come, but save the date!
Racketparty 2020: 6th of November to 7th of November. The biggest party of the year at the Student Cabin together with NTNUI Tennis and NTNUI Squash. More info will come, save the date!
110 Years Anniversary with NTNUI: 14th of November. NTNUI as a club celebrates 110 years, and invites members to a big celebration. More info will come, save the date!
Remember to read the rules carefully before you show up at training, we are all responsible for having safe trainings! In Norwegian below.
Training during Covid-19 – Badminton
Updated: 19.08.2020
Main principles:
- Players who feel unwell or sick shall stay at home
- Wash your hands well, and remember to cough into your elbow (dab it)
- Keep distance, and reduce contact with other players
Training with NTNUI Badminton
- To participate in training, one MUST to sign up to the training at the app “Spond” in advance. If you have not signed up at Spond in advance, you will be sent home from the practice. We will have links posted on facebook, our webpage and on e-mail. The reason for this sign up is that we have to be able to trace potensial infection, and it is the only way for the board to keep track on how many are attending the training. You have to sign up at least one hour before the training starts. The sign-up rules apply to training Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday.
- All trainings must have one board member responsible.
- There must be at least 1 meter (preferably more) between each person participating in the training.
- Single, Double and Mix training are allowed – in rallies in double the 1-meter roule does not apply.
- Players shall wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water both before and after practice/match, or use hand sanitizer.
- Players shall avoid touching their face.
- Dragvoll: Training groups shall be limited to a maximum of 20 people. This means that the 3 bottom courts (furthest away from the entrance), shall not mix with the top four courts during the practice. Therefore, there will be one player group of 12 people (4 people on each court – 3 courts), and one player group of 16 people (4 people on each – 4 courts). There is a maximum of 28 people who can show up to practice.
- Gløshaugen: In total 20 people participating in the practice – 4 on each court.
- As far as possible, the groups should be regular, i.e. with the same people in the groups time after time, and throughout the training. At high intensity training, keep 2 meters.
- Touch of nets, poles and other equipment should be done by as few people as possible each time. We achieve this by taking down the net posts you set up, and wiping them with paper and antibac after they have been placed in the warehouse.
- There must be access to Antibac before, during and after training.
- The board shall at all times during the training ensure that the corona weather rules are followed, and arrange the training based on this.
- Rackets that are lent out must be washed over with Antibac both before and after the loan.
- In the event of repeated breaches of infection control rules, the board invokes the right to show people away from training.
Trening under Covid-19 – Badminton
Oppdatert: 19.08.2020
- Syke personer skal holde seg hjemme
- God Hånd- og hostehygiene
- Hold avstand og reduser kontakt med personer
Regler for NTNUI Badminton
- For å kunne møte opp på trening må man ha meldt seg på treningen på Spond på forhånd. Det blir vedlagt link til dette på facebook, nettside og mail. Hvis man ikke har meldt seg på på Spond, blir man sendt hjem fra trening. Grunnen til dette er at det skal være mulig å smittespore, i tillegg til at det er eneste måten styret har til å kontrollere oppmøte og passe på at makspersoner ikke overstiges. Man må ha meldt seg inn senest 1 time før trening. Påmelding på spond gjelder trening mandag, tirsdag, onsdag og søndag.
- Det er kun tillatt med trening med et styremedlem tilstede.
- Det skal være minst 1 meter (gjerne mer) mellom hver person som deltar på treningen.
- Single, Double og Mix trening er tillatt – spillsekvenser i double er unntatt 1 meter avstand i spill.
- Spillere skal vaske hender grundig med såpe og vann både før og etter trening/kamp, eller bruke håndsprit
- Spillere skal unngå å ta seg til ansiktet
- Unngå all fysisk kontakt. Eksempelvis high-five, samling i midten og klemming både innad i eget lag og med motstanderlag.
- Dragvoll: Spillergrupper skal begrenses til maks 20 stk. Dvs. at de tre nederste banene lengst fra inngangen ikke blandes med de 4 øverste banene i løpet av treningen. Det blir derfor en spillergruppe på 12 stk (4 på hver bane – 3 baner), og en spillergruppe på 16 stk (4 på hver bane – 4 baner). Det er maks 28 stk som kan delta på trening.
- Gløshaugen: Totalt 20 stk på trening – 4 stk på hver bane.
- Så langt det er mulig skal gruppene være faste, dvs. med de samme personene i gruppene gang etter gang, og gjennom hele treningen.
- Berøring av nett, stolper og øvrig utstyr bør gjøres av så få personer som mulig hver gang. Dette oppnår vi ved at man tar ned nettstolpene man satte opp, og tørker over de med papir og antibac etter at de er plassert på lageret.
- Det skal være tilgang til Antibac før, under og etter trening.
- Styret skal til enhver tid på treningen sørge for at korona-vettreglene følges, og tilrettelegge treningen ut i fra dette.
- Racketer som lånes ut skal vaskes over med Antibac både før og etter lån.
- Ved gjentatte brudd på smittevernsregler, påberoper styret seg retten til å vise folk bort fra trening.