Welcome to NTNUI Turn’s homepage!

Who are NTNUI Turn?
We are a lively and social group with both experienced as well as inexperienced gymnasts. Our group consists of about 80 members who meet 2-3 times per week to train. We also do social events such as get-to-know-eachother parties, social evenings, onsdagspils, etc.

Join our group!
To join NTNUI Turn you have to be a member of NTNUI. A lot of students want to join our group, therefore we have a waiting list. You can sign up on the waiting list here:

NTNUI Open Activities
Are you still on the waiting list, or are you just interested in trying out gymnastics? Every Saturday, you can join our training sessions at the gymnastics hall through NTNUI Open Activities, a beginner-friendly training offer for all students in Trondheim. The registration opens the thursday before at 12:00
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