Basic climbing course

What is a basic climbing course?

The climbing course is a basic course in belaying and climbing with on indoor climbing walls. During the course you will learn about climbing gear, belaying and how to top rope and lead climb. The course does not include the belaying certificate, but it gives the necessary experience and knowledge to take the test later. You can find more info about the belaying sertificate here.

Practical info about the course

Price: 700 NOK

Time: The course will last from 17:00 until 22:00 both days.

Where: The climbing wall at SIT Dragvoll, Loholt alle 81, 7049 Trondheim

Climbing experience: No previous climbing experience is required

Equipment: Tindegruppa will provide all necessary equipment.

Brattkort: The course does not guarantee the brattkort (belay certificate), but it is possible to take the test at a later date if you have the skills required. Taking the test costs 75 nok. The tests are held the last wednesday of every month.

Requirements: You are required to be a member of both NTNUI and Tindegruppa to participate on our beginner courses.

Goals for the course:

-Get the required skills for climbing indoors in a safe way.

-Learn about safe behavior when climbing and belaying.

-Become aware of the potential risks associated with climbing.

-Get a good foundation for getting the “Brattkort”-certificate which is required in all commercial/public norwgian climbing walls.

– Get a basic understanding for climbing technique.

– Get some information on how and where to continue climbing after the course has ended.


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